Dear praying Friend and Family,
It has a been a busy summer full of traveling to re-entry seminar and visiting relatives and friends around the east and west coast areas. Our fall missionary tours began August 14, and there will be a full schedule ahead of us. Nevertheless, we were grateful for some quality times reconnecting with some old friends and family.
Recently, during a Facetime with some friends in Cambodian, our hearts jumped with JOY to hear that many families of believers in Anlong Veng region are still going strong and steadfast with their decisions to follow Christ, and that in spite of hardship related to Covid-19 restrictions, church and weekly class attendants stayed the same if not increased as in some villages. Praise God!
Sarah’s Story…
Shortly before we left Anlong Veng, I (Syna) had meaningful opportunities to connect with a young single mother of two small kids whom I will call “Sarah." At just 24 years of age, Sarah had already endured much difficulties in life. The closer I got to know Sarah, the more I learned about the heart-wrenching circumstances she had experienced. She was just 16 years old when Sarah met and thought she fell deeply in love with the “right one." She soon realized that her marriage turned out to be a long, horrible, nightmare. Because of poverty and an abusive life at home from the hands of a chronic alcoholic father (for detailed information related to Sarah’s father and other family member, please refer to “Tell Us More About Jesus”), Sarah’s family of five children had been uprooted many times throughout her childhood and were constantly moving from one location to another, with each new place getting worse than the one before.
As a result, Sarah only attended school up to second grade and could hardly read or write. Trying to be free from her dysfunctional family, she grabbed the first opportunity she could to “marry” and then move in with her husband’s family. But her escape into “freedom” quickly turned into modern-day slavery where she was severely and constantly abused, physically and verbally. She had endured harsh forced labor at the cruel hands her in-laws. To fit into her role as a married woman, Sarah had to do chores like cooking, cleaning, and hand-washing laundry for 11 family members of her in-laws everyday! She never had any free time to herself. On top of the heavy chores, her parent-in-laws were constantly abusive, verbally and physically. In all of these, Sarah was forbidden to make any contact with her family! The heavy workloads and constant abuse continued even when she was late into her third trimester of pregnancy with both of her daughters! After a short few days of rest followed by each delivery, the forced labor quickly resumed. While all of this took place, her husband did not do anything to defend her. The situations became worse when Sarah’s two daughters were just 2 & 4 years old. Sarah and her children got kicked out of the in-law’s house! Having no other place to go and no money in her hands, Sarah reluctantly returned home.
Mentally, Sarah had prepared ahead of time that she would receive harsh treatment and complains from her own family. But shortly after retuned home and to her amazement, Sarah noticed tremendous changes in her father’s behaviors! Instead of being constantly drunk and verbally and physically abusing his wife and other family members as he had done in the past, her father was gentle and kind and helping her mother with household works! Instead of always drinking with his buddies, her father was actually working and bringing hard earned income to the family! “And he was praying to a strange God named Pre-yea-sue (the Lord Jesus) and he always reading a strange book which he called the Bible!”
Sarah also took notice that each evening, her father gathered the family to sing and worship to this “strange God." Initially, she repeatedly refused any invitation to join the daily family worship time. “But, the more I saw how changed and happy my father was, the more I became intrigued about his God." After a moment of reflection, Sarah looked up and faced me, then continued, “You don’t know my father. He was a very bad man. But now, I saw with my own eyes that he was a different person! How can this be?”
Shortly after Sarah left home, her father, then her mother, were introduced, one after another, to Jesus by a close friend named Mr. Kong (Please see the ‘Out of the Ashes’ video of Mr. Kong). Since meeting Jesus, there were significant changes that took place at home and in the lives of her parents. The amazing transformation in her father astonished Sarah so much that she wanted to know Jesus as well. As she began to join the family night devotion, God slowly removed the walls of bitterness from her heart. And, instead of holding grudges against her husband and his side of the family, Sarah began to pray for them. She started to attend church services with her parents.
Seeing her interest in knowing God, I invited Sarah to sit in a weekly discipleship class that I was teaching in her village. That was November 2020. Since then, Sarah has grown so much, spiritually and emotionally, that it was visibly evident in her overall demeanors! Instead of always looking gloomy and depressed as she used to be, she was now smiling, cheerful, and singing praise to Jesus! When asked why she was so happy all the time, Sarah simply answered, “God puts a new spirit in me. I love Jesus so much that I cannot help myself but singing praises to Him, everyday!”
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Sarah and her daughters, aged 4 and 6 years old |
When I asked if she ever thought of seeing herself getting married again, she was quiet for a long time. After a long silent, she took a deep breath, paused, then whispered softly these shocking words, “I don’t want to see my little girls getting hurt by a stepfather. I will wait and see. I am praying for my husband everyday. If it is in God’s will, one day, after he (referring to her husband) has come to his senses, then I will reunite with him, and then, we can be a family all over again." I assured Sarah then that I would be praying for her and her husband as well.
Sarah was among the 10 people who got baptized on January 31 at Toul Prich village. Recently, while connecting with church leaders from Anlong Veng areas, we received some good news that Sarah’s estranged husband had been coming to join the church services twice already! Sarah’s story is still unfinished, but she is hanging on to her favorite Bible verse found in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you," declared the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Praises & prayer request for you to consider…
1. Praise God that our home in New Jersey was spared from Ida hurricane storm that ravaged many parts in the Tri-states regions. Many homes and lives were lost and severely damaged as the result. Pray for peace and comfort on those who were severely affected by Ida hurricane.
2. Based on a recently ministry report shared by our National Cambodian ministry partners, the 21 house Alliance churches around Anlong Veng and the Srae Nouy regions are still going strong in attendance both in weekly church services and in weekly discipleship classes. According to Pastor Dy from Srae Nouy, 48 new people prayed to receive Jesus shortly after we left Anlong Veng! Church leaders are preparing for the next baptismal event, hopefully around Christmas time.
3. July 25th - Aug 2 was a very special week when we got to spend with Justin and Katie Lao with their two precious children in Minneapolis, MN! Words cannot describe the immense JOY in our hearts upon meeting our grandchildren. Sadly, because of conflict in schedule, we had to cut our visit short. At this writing, Justin and his family are attending a one-month Pre-Field Orientation required for all new Alliance International Workers. God willing, the family join a mission field in one of the countries in the Middle East by early January of 2022.
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Justin, Katie, Jesse (2 and 1/2 years) and Maya, 8 months old. |
4. August 17 - Sept 2: while visiting and speaking at Cambodian churches in the west coast areas, we had opportunities to spend with Syna’s side of the family who lives in Tacoma, Washington. It was sad to see some tragic changes that took place in the family during these past few years. In spite of it all, we also saw the hand of God was working in each of the family members. While in Tacoma, the family came together for early celebration of Syna’s elderly mother who turned 90 on Sept 5th. Please pray for physical and emotional healings to take place among family members.
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Syna's mother in front row in white a sweatshirt |
5. In July while searching for a trade school for Jonathan, God led us to one school at just a walking distant from our house! Immediately, we enrolled him in a one-year program there where the first day of school starts on Sept 24. Please pray for clear directions and wisdom as we help Jonathan to adjust to life in America.
6. As mentioned above, our fall missionary tour schedule is full and busy. Pray for safe traveling by roads and or by plane. As we share with church families about Cambodian ministries that people will be receptive and responsive what God is doing in Cambodia and around the globe.
Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers and financial support for the Cambodian ministries. Your sacrificial donation toward Alliance Mission enables us to continue serving in Cambodia to bring the message of Hope in Jesus to lost people in that part of the world.
Alliance has a new platform for giving. For those of you who are giving through your local churches, nothing has changed. If you are mailing in donation or have a recurring donation set up, nothing has changed. However, if you normally give online, you’ll see the page has changed a bit. To support us, please visit:
Under Gift Type, choose Give to the Alliance or to a worker you love. Under the latter, type “Soeuth & Syna Lao” and then select the fund (s) of your choice. Then enter the amount you want to give and scroll down to continue with your information.
While we are in the States this year, if you have any question concerning Cambodian ministries, please email us at or contact us at 646-573-1158. Also, please share with us what God is doing in your life.
Soeuth & Syna Lao
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