Monday, January 12, 2015

January Update 2015

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!  Trusting that you had a blessed Christmas season.  We hope you have had some good moments during this season for reflecting on the events of 2014.  As you are launching into 2015, we pray for God's guidance and directions continue to lead you in every step of the way.
We want to keep you up to date with what God is doing during this past Christmas season.  Since late November and throughout the month of December, most of us, International Workers as well the local KEC church members, experienced significant spiritual attacks in so many ways.  As many of us are still fighting against various kinds of illnesses including common cold and flu, a few KEC members encountered serious accidents, and still some others encountered many personal attacks, and the list went on and on.  We sensed that God was going to do something BIG, and our Enemy also knew about this.  So we'd asked you to pray!  Here is the outcome to your prayers:   December 1 to January 1:  According to Pastor Nhan, president of the Khmer Evangelical Church (KEC) of the Peoyop (northwest) Region, and based on the latest  reports from the recent Regional Church Committees (district) meeting, the northwest region celebrated a total of 29 Christmas events in various villages and provinces!  Among the hundreds of attendants, many people were celebrating their first Christmas!  When opportunities were given to those who needed salvation, a total of 71 people responded and received Christ as their Lord and Savior!  And 25 other new believers got baptized during this Christmas season!  God is truly at work among the KEC church!  And we felt so blessed to be part of this great movement. God along deserves all the glories.  Praise the Name of Jesus!  THNAK YOU for praying with us.

January 2-8: the Poipet KEC churches were blessed with the gifted teachings on leadership seminar entitled S.H.A.P.E. (Spiritual Gifts, Heart/ passion, Abilities, Personalities, and Experiences) from a visiting team from First Alliance church, PA.  Many who attended the seminar boasted non-stop about what they'd learned, and how the seminar has changed their lives!  They are requesting that this kind of seminars be taught to other leaders in other parts of the country was well.  Some of the visiting team members also helped with sport ministry where soccer camp was done in three days!  Many youth from Poipet community were excited to b part of this soccer camp.  On behalf of the Poipet KEC churches, we want to THANK YOU, First Alliance of the C&MA from PA, for senior sending your pastor and team members!

Please remember these dates in prayers.                                                                                                        March 24-26: The National Church Committees (NCC) are busy planning activities for the coming Mohasonibath (National KEC Conference), taking place every two years, in Phnom Penh, at the new KEC center.  Pray for the many leaders and International Workers who are involved in planning various projects  and activities.
April 1-4:  The KEC youth are very excited about the coming National Annual Youth Conference at Mondul Kiri Province!  This will be the first time, in 22 years since the first KEC youth ministry established, that a  youth conference is taking place there!  Every year at annual youth conference, many  Phnong (one of the Cambodian western  tribal groups)youth had travel at great distances in order to participate in various provinces.  But this year, however, the Phnong tribal youth will have opportunity to be part of a hosting team, in their home town, in this most excited and most anticipate event among the youth ministry!  For the youth traveling from Poipet, each person is expected to save or raise up to $50.00 per person in order to cover for the cost of traveling expenses.  This is a huge among for the any Khmer person to come up with, but the committees have made the decision; they are not expecting quantity but quality, especially from those who are committed to go.  As this letter is being written, the national youth committees are holding a meeting in Phnom Penh in order to plan for the conference activities.  Please be in prayer for the KEC youth ministry.  Recently, we had many opportunities to witness how God was at work in the lives of many youth in the northwest region.  And this movement is being spread to other spread to other parts of Cambodia!  Pray for the key youth leaders who have opportunities to work with and have significant impacts to many youth around them.

January 13-17:  Syna will accompany Jonathan back to Dalat for his spring semester.  Pray for wisdom and discernment as well as patience to we wait on God as He continued His works in Jonathan's growing years.

Please share with us what God is doing in your life.  Thank you for your continual support in prayers and finance supporting to the Great Commission Fund (GCF) which enables us to keep serving in this part of the world.  Our God is at work!  He is moving in the hearts of many!  And we have the greatest privilege and honor to be part of His movement!   Thank you for Living the Call.

Soeuth and Syna