Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March Update 2020 (part 2)

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior" Habakkuk 3:17-18.

At this writing, in relation to the latest coronavirus updates, things are going down hill for Cambodia. The national Cambodian Alliance churches, with respect to the local government, had cancelled three regional church conferences and an annual youth conference. It is such a chaotic and confusing time for Cambodians, and we can only imagine the same experience is felt by you and by people from everywhere around the world. YET, even with the uncertainties and the unknown, we rejoice for opportunities that local believers have recently had to shine the Light of Jesus in these dark times…

A First Prayer Meeting in Toul Prich…

Though the few believers in Toul Prich village have met regularly for Thursday afternoon Bible studies during Firm Foundation Discipleship class and Sunday church service, they had never set a specific time for just prayers (although prayer requests were often shared and included at weekly discipleship classes and church services). Recently, while everyone in the village was fearful of the coronavirus, believers decided to meet regularly, (while respecting the latest government social rule- of keeping 2 meters or 6 feet apart) in prayers on Monday nights! These meeting were their own initiation, and they have been meeting a few weeks already. Recently during our visits to some church families, we were amazed though not surprised to see Noun and her husband, Kane, passionately and courageously sharing the Good News of Jesus to their neighbors!

Noun, Kane (light blue shirt), and Savy praying at Toul Prich village prayer meeting

Pastoral/Leadership Seminars in Srae Nouy…

On March 17, before we were aware of the official cutoff time, we were able to hold a large group gathering for a leadership seminar at Sray Nouy where about 60 believers from 9 different villages participated. Our dear friends and workshop presenter, Pastor Joel Arndt and his wife Becca, from International Alliance Church in Hong Kong did an excellent job leading a three-session workshop about characteristics of a leader through the Life of Joseph entitled "Character Is Passed Down, Character Is Forged Amidst Temptation, and Character Is Forged While Waiting."

Leadership seminar at Srae Nouy
The messages were well received.  We were supposed to hold the same workshops in two other places at a later date. But as we finished up the day, we received news that due to the rapidly spreading of Covid-19, the Cambodian government had banned all group gathering which was effective immediately.  Cambodian Alliance churches in the northwest region were thankful that we had this last workshop and a regional church conference (March 4-7) done before the cutoff date.

Leadership seminar at Srae Nouy
Mr. Raa (from Srae Kandal village) supported an amputee friend in a stand-up prayer time at Srae Nouy.
A Fisher of Men…

Aged 55, a fierce & vibrant believer, and most effective, gifted evangelist in his community, Kong from Andong Chan village continued to be on fire for Jesus! Everywhere he went, every chance he got, Kong was always looking for opportunities to share with someone about Jesus. But with the severe drought affecting all of Cambodia, Kong was desperately searching for ways to earning a meager living being a peasant farmer in addition to having great responsibilities to care and to provide for his family. But there were no other options left. Having been miraculously rescued by God from a near-death accident in a charcoal over a few years ago (see his story in the October 2017 and also recently in an Alliance Life magazine article: “Harvest Time in the Former Killing Fields”), Kong promised God that he would not return to that former and dangerous occupation. Out of desperation, however, Kong recently accepted his young brother’s invitation to harvest fresh-water shrimps and mullets at Mart Klaa floating village from the great Tonle Sap Lake. He took a taxi to the outskirts of Siem Reap province. As he was nearing the Tonle Sap shore, Kong felt led to visit some believing families of the areas. Upon arrival and entering into a small house on stilts, Kong was greatly surprised to see about 15 people were already sitting and waiting for him! Apparently, someone of that village heard about Kong plans to the floating village, and they secretly alerted the villagers of his trip. They all were in the house waiting and praying that God would direct and guide Kong to them. And God did. In the house, Kong took the opportunity to share the Good News. After a sweet time of worship and sharing, a family of 5 prayed to receive Christ! Kong quickly gave instructions to local believers to help train and disciple this new family. He left and continued with his planned trip to Mart Klaa. But by the time he reached to the water edge, it was late in the afternoon, a dangerous time to cross the lake. Due to unexpected yet common storms, people of the lake naturally followed a daily schedule of when it was safe or not safe to cross the lake. For security reason, everyone abides by these daily guidelines. But at that moment, Kong was determined to cross the lake and proceed to Mart Klaa. As he boarded an open motorboat with a few other passengers in the same boat, Kong prayed out loud in everyone’s hearing, “Lord Jesus, please hold off the storm for a while until we arrive." Kong continued praying for the next two hours of the boat ride.  Immediately upon reaching a “safety zone," strong winds and raging storm came upon them suddenly, but they all had safely reached their final destinations. Seeing the storm, those people riding in the same boat remembered what Kong had prayed before they left the shore, and they all exclaimed, “Oh, Jesus is very powerful!” At this remark, Kong grabbed the opportunity to share the Good News. When he finished, seven more people prayed to receive Jesus! After spending the next few days in Mart Klaa trying to catch fish, he caught absolutely nothing! But Kong kept on trying.  While waiting and hoping to catch fish, God gave Kong more opportunities to share Christ with more local floating villagers. And three more prayed to received Jesus! A total of 15 people prayed to received Jesus in just a short visit to Mart Klaa. Amazed, Kong finally realized and surrendered his will and life to Jesus while accepting and embracing the fact that God is giving him a new occupation, to be a fisher of men…

Kong (middle) praying at Srae Nouy leadership seminar
Upon returning home to Andong Chan and during a “Prayer & Share” time in Syna’s recent discipleship class, Kong excitedly and animatedly described his adventures to the entire class about his recent visit to the floating village. Everyone was amazed and acknowledged that the hand of God was upon Kong. Inspired by the stories and realizing the present needs that Kong’s family was facing, everyone agreed to take up a collection and presented a small gift as a love offering to Kong’s family. In gratitude and with drops of tears rolling down his cheeks, Kong humbly accepted the gift.

In response to the needs and while working closely with Pastor Dy as the middle person, we used some of Work Special fund (that some of you have been faithfully supported) to help repair Kong’s motorbike and purchase some of the basic necessities for Kong’s family. We are praying and looking for creative ways and alternative ideas to help Kong’s family live, but to do it in a way without creating jealousy or a sense of partiality or favoritism from other believers…

Crisis at Home…

On the morning of March 14, after spending two days with our teammates in an annual prayer retreat, we were heading home, an 8-hour road trip, to Anlong Veng. About half-way through, we received news that the local government banned people with foreign passports from five different countries from entering Cambodia, including USA starting from March 17! Jonathan, our 17 years old son, a US passport holder, was supposed to come home for spring break from Dalat School in Penang, Malaysia, March 21-April 5. But if we were to wait until this date, he would have not been allowed to enter Cambodia. Through quick thinking and with our field leader’s support, we bought a ticket and Jonathan was able to come home, arriving safely at 9 pm on March 15! Two days after he arrived, Dalat School closed its campus and switched to online schooling. We are not sure if Jonathan will be able to return to Penang after spring break. We are just grateful that he is with us now!

March 19, after doing ministries in Siem Reap, we were driving home to Anlong Veng when we received news that Syna’s older sister, Nay, who lives in Tacoma, Washington, had fallen off a ladder when attempting to clear out the gutter! Nay suffered a huge laceration on her forehead, broken spine (C2 & C7 vertebrae), some broken ribs, a broken collar bone, punctured lungs, in addition to many small cuts and bruises. My 89 years old mother just happened to sit underneath an apple tree nearby watching Nay work. When seeing the accident, Mom called 911 for help. Nay was rushed to a local hospital as a trauma patient. After enduring a 10+ hours of surgery, she was placed in an ICU care with IVs, a monitor, and chest tubes attached while breathing on her own. The most recent update is that Nay was able to move some fingers and toes! In amidst all of this, Nay’s two adult children (from New York City and from Toronto, Canada) were not able to visit their mother due to Covid-19’s federal travel bans. Even those close family members and friends who are from Tacoma areas, they were not allowed to see Nay, except through phone calls for frequent medical updates from nursing staff. Recently, Syna was able to talk with her family and learned the latest reports: Nay was conscious of the whole situation, and she was able to take in some food. Though the days ahead are still uncertain, things looked hopeful for Nay…

In these days of unknown, we continue to cling on to the hope of God’s faithfulness and in His promised word that “Joy comes in the morning." Thank you for standing in the gap with us and for us in these difficult times.

In Christ the Solid Rock,
Syna & Soeuth


  1. Your testimony is so powerful and inspiring, I'm yearning to find more opportunities in my local community to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Currently, I'm working onencouraging believers in their faith, hosting a weekly coffee meet-up at a local coffee shop. Also, God directed me to begin a tween girls Ministry call Tween Truth Finders (TTF) for short, teaching girls the truth of who God says they are before the world tells them lies. We have had a few girls come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior over the course of the past five years, but sometimes I feel discouraged because I want to reach more young people for Christ. God has been faithful all along the way and your stories have renewed a passion in my heart! Thank you for submitting to God's call and being His hands and feet. Praying for God's great provision, protection and prosperity, in JESUS'powerful name!

  2. Thank you, friend! We will keep you in prayers for wisdom and continual commitment, passion, and motivations as you reach out to teenage girls. The young people need someone like you to step up to lead and guide them along the way...
