Greetings’ in Jesus’ Name! We trust this letter finds you well. The heat wave this week (average temperature in Nyack in the mid 90’s) makes us homesick for Cambodia that we can hardly wait to go back. We hope that you are able to go outside and enjoy the summer weather.
This is the last newsletter from America as we are about to return to Asia in just a few weeks. Once we are back in Cambodia, we will keep you up to date about what will take place there. Meanwhile, here are some news/events of what took place since our last newsletter to you.
From May 15-25, our oldest son Justin and his fiancée, Katie Kragt, along with four other Crown College students had a tremendous opportunity to go to Berlin, Germany on a mission trip to work with the Alliance International Workers (IW) there. While in Berlin, God opened their hearts and eyes to see and to respond to the needs of the Syrian refugees. We don’t know what God has in store for Justin and Katie’s future, but they are open to wherever God is directing them.
Immediately after Berlin trip, Justin flew to New York (staying from May 26-June 10) to be with Jonathan so that Soeuth and I could attend the Alliance General Council in Columbus, Ohio. As it turned out, the timing was perfect and very precious to our sons. This was the last time the two brothers spent together before Justin and Katie’s marriage on July 1. And what an honor it is that Jonathan (aged 15) is being asked to be the best-man for his big brother!
And in case you are wondering, the wedding plan is coming along nicely. While at council, we had opportunities to connect with Katie’s parents to discuss plans for the coming wedding. We look forward to welcome a brand new daughter-in-law into the family.
And what a tremendous BLESSING it was for us to attend council (May 28-June 4) after all these years of waiting. In the past, due to conflicts with our children’s schooling schedules we kept on missing council every time we were on a home assignment. The last council we attended was 2007 in Orlando, Florida. It’s better late than never.
While at council, we got word from our friends in Cambodia that the Bethlehem Church construction building was moving along smoothly. Even though there are still works to be done due to the rainy season last week, the Bethlehem Alliance Church of Cambodia held their church service inside the new building!
Many of you generously donated funds to contribute to the cost for this building project. This week, the Bethlehem church families request that we extend their deepest gratitude to you and THANK YOU for your generous support!
Immediately after council, we visited a small Cambodian Alliance church in Columbus, Ohio, where we shared with the church about Cambodian ministries. From there, we drove two hours to Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum as we celebrated our 25th anniversary (May 30th).
Last week, friends gave us tickets to watch an exciting baseball game at the New York Yankee stadium, the Yankees playing against the Red Sox. Three days later, Justin flew back to Minnesota to start a summer job which began on June 12.
This week, we are finishing up with packing and storing our things and will soon begin cleaning up the apartment. On Friday, June 23 we’ll fly to Minneapolis where we’ll spend a few days with friends at Maple Grove, MN, before heading out toward Crown College where we will be staying with a church family there until after the wedding. Then on July 3, we’ll fly out from Minneapolis to Cambodia…
From now on until the next 7-8 weeks, we are depending on YOU for prayer supports as we will be living in and out of suitcases, moving from place to place. We will be attending the annual missionary Field Forum in Thailand (July 8-15) until we find a place of our own. Pray for safety and protection. We hope and pray that God will lead us to find the right house before July 30; that’s when Syna will escort Jonathan and another missionary kid (MK) to Dalat School in Penang, Malaysia.
Meanwhile, please continue to pray for Syna’s brother, Phaly, and his wife, Rebecka. Phaly, a strong believer, aged 46 with five small children is battling with cancer. While facing this dark time, it is hard to know what God has in store for Phaly’s life. Even in the midst of darkness, God is still at work! HE has provided Phaly with a kind, godly boss (also a long time friend), who is willing to go extra miles just to help Phaly. As Phaly’s strength is slowly declining, he is currently reduced to part time job, but will still receive a full time salary! Learn more details about Phaly as Rebecka set up a page at:
Also, as shared in our previous update,we have an Approve Special from the Christian and Missionary Alliance (the C&MA) to raise fund for the purchase of a piece of property for a ministry center at Anlong Veng, (account# 1-47200-46-64-01030).
If you are interested in supporting this fund, please send your donation payable to:
The C&MA
8595 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.
Or give online at
As always, we appreciate your continual prayers and financial support to the Great Commission Fund which enables us to continue serving in Cambodia to bring the message of God’s Love to the Khmer people, reaching out to the unreachable. Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. Thank you for being a partner in the Cambodian ministries.
In Him,
Soeuth & Syna Lao
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