Friday, May 9, 2014

May Update

Dear Praying Friends,

Many of you have been praying for Mrs. Moum, and we want to give you updates on her case.  According to the local authorities, her times of captivity will come to a completion this month.    She is scheduled to be released from the Svey Sisophon Prison on May 12.  Some of the KEC church families of  the northwest regions will come together on May 13, at Bontey Meanchey Province, for a celebration of her release.  The leaders are planning to raise fund, through a love offering on that day, for her needs.  During her three- year time in prison, her children had sold most of their family valuable goods and heirlooms, and they even sold some properties in order to survive!  Except for the empty house remained, Mrs. Moum is going home, to start a new chapter of her life, empty hands!  Pray that the giving would be generous.  Pray also that the authorities would keep their promises and that they would drop any other charges against her.

So much is happening lately among the church families!  It seems like Satan, our archenemy, is working overtime against the Body of Christ!  The believers are being tested in every way.  In respond to the needs, the Poipet church leaders are gathering for a day or Fast and Prayer on May 12.  Please pray for the good outcome of those who plan to attend.

May 17-18, the KEC youth from the northwest region areas will take a motor bike tour visiting about 10 KEC churches in remote areas of Battambang Province, Malay and Pailen Districts.  Please pray for safe traveling for all.  The main purpose of this trip is for learning experiences for young people.  Pray for opportunities to encourage the local churches as well as opportunities to share the Gospel with those who are in need of salvation.  We are expecting about at least 20 bikes with two people on each bike will go on this trip!  We are praying that from this experience, the youth would have a revival of faith, develop a new commitment and an increasing passion for following Christ!

In responding the needs, the National youth committees have strong desire for the KEC youth to resume Bible quizzing ministry this year.  Unfortunately, the last time we had any quizzing activity was in June 2002!  And out of the 7 committees, only two of them had any quizzing experience!  Nevertheless, the committees, out of faith, are moving forward with the plan!  For a start, the first quizzing match is scheduled for August 30, for the northwest region churches, covering the Book of Mark chapters 1-3.  Many young people are already very excited about this quizzing event!  Pray that God would raise more interests from among youth, especially from the other regions.  Pray for wisdom and encouragement on the committees as they are putting things together, learning about the quizzing procedures and rules, writing questions, and so on.

We look forward to seeing our boys at the end of the month!  Justin will graduate from Dalat school on June 2.  After that he will have about one month left in Cambodia before he will head back to America for re-entry seminar.  It will be a huge change for all of us this summer!  We appreciate your prayers for our children.

Soeuth and Syna

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