Sunday, March 2, 2025

March Update 2025

Dear Faith Supporters,

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19

Recently, we have seen an amazing movement of the Holy Spirit at work among the believers in northern Cambodia. Church families are showing strong interest in studying the word of God. Since the beginning of 2025, people were signing up to enroll in small bible study groups. New discipleship classes were being added every month! In addition, church families became bold and willing to go out and share the Good News of Jesus with their neighbors and relatives, winning souls in to the kingdom every week! We are in a season of harvest…

Last week, after learning about a need, Syna along with her TEE students went to visit a very sick elderly lady in Toul Prich Village. Touy, an elderly woman in her late 70’s, has been suffering from chronic eye infections in addition to her many chronic illnesses. Desperate to get better, Touy had spent much of her wealth and resources seeking help from various medical facilities and even from witch doctors. However, no one offered any help. Recently, after hearing about Jesus from her neighbor, she requested, “Please ask the ‘Jesus People’ to pray for me.” Thus, came the invitation for that visit. After explaining the salvation plan, Touy willingly prayed to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. The next day, Syna bought her some prescribed eye ointments and prayed for healing over her. Arrangements were made so Touy could visit an eye clinic soon. With great anticipation, we are begging the Great Physician to heal Touy’s eye according to her faith...

Touy, an elderly lady, as a new believer sitting in church for the first time!

58 New Believers Got Baptized

58 new believers got baptized on Feb 22

On February 22, we joined a baptismal service at Srae Nouy where 136 people from eight different village churches came together for a joyful celebration. After a few songs of praise and worship, Soeuth gave an encouraging message about “Finishing Well.” 

Soeuth and Pastor Dee baptizing new believers

Through this message, Soeuth challenged the believers to remain faithful in their spiritual walks even when facing daily life struggles. After the message, people had opportunities to testify why they chose to follow Jesus. One after another, 15+ new believers eagerly fought for opportunities to share their testimonies. In between testimonies, the crowd gave praises to Jesus. They erupted with songs of joy and dancing. There was so much joy and gladness in the house that Noeu (please refer to Noeu’s story in ‘Jesus Was Never Too Busy to Answer My Prayer’ from August 2024’s update), one of believers who got baptized declared, “If there is much joy and happiness on earth now, just imagine how much more joy it will be in heaven!” Altogether, 58 new believers got baptized on that day.

Noeu excitedly shared about her baptismal experience at Srae Nouy

Noeu and her granddaughter got baptized

A Jesus Hater Becomes Jesus Lover

One by one, new believers lined up to give powerful testimonies. When it was his turn, Chhen (please refer to ‘Chhen’s Faith Journey’ from December 2024’s update) stood up with sadness in his eyes. He shared how he used to persecute and torment many Jesus followers in his village. For unknown reasons, “I just could not stand to hear at the mention of that Name.” Chhen’s own mother was once a young vibrant believer, but because of Chhen’s constant nagging and determination to “destroy the Jesus people at all cost,” she eventually abandoned her faith altogether. In order to slander and maliciously harm the Jesus people, he was willing to go to places just to stir up trouble among Christians. It was one of those trips, that Chhen got himself arrested and imprisoned in Thailand on October 2013. He was released on April 2016 and “dumped” back at the Cambodia-Thailand border. In his great time of need, the very people whom he hated the most became his saviors. “I was God’s enemy, but He sent His people to rescue me.” Since his encounter with the living Christ, Chhen’s mission had changed drastically. Every chance he could, Chhen is asking for prayers that his mother, his wife, and many of his relatives would turn back to God. Chhen concluded in his testimony, “I used to hate Jesus. But now, I love Him so much that I want all my family and friends to know Jesus as well. Please pray for my unbelieving relatives.”

Chhen's baptism

Dates and events needing your prayers:
  1. April 1-3: the seven members of the National KEC Youth Committees member will have a prayer retreat in Koh Kong Province.
  2. At this writing, March 3-17, we are having our family with our children in the Middle East.
  3. The house churches in Poipet will come together for a joined Sunday service on April 13.
  4. Khmer New Year, April 14-16.
  5. The Firm Foundation Alliance Church will have a baptism on April 20. 
  6. May 15, 2025, we will return to the US for a one-year home assignment. We will be at Cedar Lane Missionary Homes, Inc. in New Jersey. We will have a lot of space for visiting guests if you are close by and have time for a visit.
  7. As we anticipate the coming home assignment plans and activities, please let us know of a potential date if you are interested to schedule for a mission weekend with us. For the past three years, we have seen many noticeable works that the Lord is doing among the Khmer people. Please watch this video:
Please share with us what God is doing in your life. We would love to pray for you as well. Thank you for your love, generous financial support, and partnership in the growing ministries of northern Cambodia.  

With a grateful heart, 
Soeuth and Syna Lao