Dear Faithful Support and Friend,
In case you are wondering, ‘What ever happened to the Lao?’ We are still around, alive and kicking, but we have been swarmed with busy schedules. Thank you for being so patient with us…
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
The Seed Has Been Planted…
For the past few years, living in the community of our host culture, we have strategically and intentionally worked closely with two local public schools, where many of our church children attend. We made ourselves available when opportunities allowed us to attend or participate in meetings for school events or village activities. As we got involved and immersed in the community, we were frequently invited into homes to pray for the sick, open houses, weddings, funerals, and or baby dedications. Knowing we hosted visiting teams occasionally, the schools gave up opportunities to teach workshops or seminars to students and their teachers. We do not truly understand the motives behind each invitation. Our primary desire is to be a meaningful and impactful presence as we live in the community, always looking for opportunities to share Christ with our neighbors.
Recently, in an attempt to obtain legal building permissions for the Anlong Veng Ministry Center, we encountered a few “red tapes” with local authorities. Seeing our dilemma, a school principal offered to help us! When asked why, he said, “These past few years, we have been watching you helping our community in so many different ways. Our villages are poor and have little to offer, yet you came to live among us and even built a library for our children. Although we don’t share the same beliefs, you treat and welcome us kindly. Helping you is the least I can do.” This school principal, Mr. K, has been secretly conversing with our church families about the Christian faith. Although he has not made any decision, the seed has been planted. Lord willing, we hope to “reap a harvest” soon…
“Let the Little Children Come to Me…”
Srae Nouy's children ministry |
In response to the needs, we opened our home in early October and invited local children and teenagers (about 30 of them) to participate in fellowships once or twice a month when times allowed. These children, between ages 2 and 18, come from dysfunctional families. Many live with aging grandparents and extended family members while their parents (mostly divorced and remarried multiple times) work in the capital city or Thailand. Often, the children are left to fend for themselves, including cooking, washing, bathing, and caring for their younger siblings while walking or riding a bicycle to school. The risks of accidents or misbehaving are significant without proper parental supervision. They all waited by our gate on Sunday mornings, hoping to catch a ride to church with us. We provided simple snacks and soft drinks at a monthly fellowship gathering, followed by relayed games and fun activities.
Children monthly fellowship |
During the three-hour time with us, we kept them busy with fun activities and engaged them in conversations as much as possible. Over time, relationships were built, we earned their trust, learned about each child’s needs and struggles, and tried to meet them as much as possible. It broke our hearing recently when one of them said, “Thank you, teachers! We love coming to your house. You care more for us than our parents ever did. I miss my parents and wish they would stay home more often.” Another child also said, “My mother left me long ago. Sometimes, I wonder what she looks like now or if she ever returns to get me.” There are so many sad cases among these dear children. And we do not have answers to their problems. The best we can offer is to invite them in and let them enjoy a childhood experience with fun and laughter, even if for brief moments of their lives.
Monthly children fellowship at Lao's house |
Dates and Events needing your prayers…
- Feb. 13-15: The Anlong Veng team plans a prayer retreat in Siem Reap.
- Pray for a joined baptismal service at Srae Nouy on Feb. 22.
- Recently, our church families have been busy and boldly sharing their faith with their neighbors. Young believers take God’s word at face value and willingly share the message of hope they found in Jesus. It was encouraging to watch brand- new believers proudly making disciples of their own!
- Please continue to pray for safety on the long, distant trips we make each week to teach leadership classes.
- March 3-17: We are excited to visit our children in the Middle East. Jonathan will also join us from Florida on March 10-17. This will be our first family reunion since November 2021!
- For your information, we will return to the US from May 15, 2025, to June 1, 2026, for a one-year home assignment. We will stay at Cedar Lane Missionary Homes, Inc. in New Jersey. Please let us know if you would like us to visit your church or small groups.
Discipleship class at Srae Nouy |
As always, we appreciate your partnership in the Cambodian ministries through your prayers and financial support to the Alliance Mission. Your generous and faithful financial support to the GCF enables us to continue serving God among the Khmer people in northern Cambodia, sharing the true hope found in Jesus Christ with lost people. Together with your partnership, we are “reaping a harvest” for the Kingdom in Cambodia and everywhere. Thank you for being so supportive! Please share with us what God is doing in your life.
Soeuth & Syna Lao