Dear Praying Warriors,
Spring greetings to you! We trust you had a wonderful Easter celebration. As I begin this note, I was reminded of the beautiful lyrics of my favorite songs that goes something like this, “… Because he lives, I can face tomorrow. Because he lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, he holds the future. And life is worth the living just because he lives…”
A few stressful and heartache situations happened since our last note to you. I was trying to delay writing the note hoping to hear some good news before I send out this update. And we do have some good news to share…
Since early February, Soeuth has been battling health issues that brought him to a family doctor’s office many times and to the Emergency Room, twice in March! All visits to the doctor’s office was related to breathing issues. After two months of waiting, Soeuth was finally able to see a lung specialist to confirmed what was suspected all along that he was having onset asthma. With new prescriptions ordered followed by so much more tests, Soeuth’s health is slowly improving and hopefully on the road to recovery. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers!
After months of waiting (we began the process since early August of 2021!) and having to navigate with local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), on March 24, our youngest son, Jonathan, proudly passed his written exam for a driver license! His persistent attempts finally paid off, and he was excited to begin learning how to drive at last! Sadly, that moment of joy was cut short, because the next day, “Dad”—his designated driving instructor, was rushed to the Emergency Room for breathing complications. We had another ER visit, a week later. With our current busy schedule and with Soeuth’s health still uncertain, Jonathan did not have a chance to sit behind a steering wheel as of yet. But he still has time to learn how to drive. His road test’s appointment is September 26. Originally, we had hoped that he would be able to drive and hold a driver license identification of his own before we return to Cambodia this summer. But as it turned out, that hope and dream would have to wait for now. God knows what He is doing, and He must have a much better purpose and plan for our son…
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Soeuth & Jon enjoying a father-son moment |
Some of you have heard of the tragic motor accident that took place on April 4th in Cambodia that suddenly claimed the life of our dearly beloved friend and ministry partner, Mr. Kong. From his first encounter with the living God (November 2016) to his death, God had used Kong in such amazing ways that hundreds if not thousands of people were greatly impacted by the life and testimony of Mr. Kong. Throughout our home assignment this year, we have been sharing Kong’s story with you and will continue to proudly share it with other, how God had effectively used Kong to expand His kingdom in northern Cambodia. Kong’s testimony was featured in this short video.
We grief at the loss of a great man. But we hang to the promising hope found in John 12:24 that says, “…Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produced many needs” Therefore, we wait in hope and with great expectation that God would surely raise up hundreds of more “seeds” like Mr. Kong to carry on the mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus to lost people in Cambodia and around the world.
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Kong was always sharing about Jesus with everyone he met |
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Kong, on a boat ride to visit his hometown floating village |
In March and in early April, we had opportunities to visit family in Florida, Washington state, and Virginia. It was a bitter-sweet moment knowing that unless God has other plans, we will not see any of them again until summer 2026. On April 9, we celebrated Jonathan’s 20th birthday! Throughout the years of ups and downs, we are very grateful to God for the gift this precious life, our miracle child, and for the honor and the privilege that He entrusted us to raise this amazing young man, knowing full well that no matter how much we love and cherish him, God loves our some more than we can ever do. And God is not done with him yet but has a special plan for his life and future…
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Syna with her 91 year old mother |
Additional praises and prayer requests for you to consider…
- Praise God that Soeuth was able to see a specialist and is able to receive update of what to expect and follow. Please continue praying for a complete healing before our return trip to Cambodia.
- At this writing, we still have 8 more churches to visit and to share. While we are grateful for opportunities to share with our supporters about the works in Cambodia, our departure date is approaching (we already bought the plane tickets!). We are anxious to get back to the mission field. Pray that we would finish well.
- In preparation to move Jonathan to his new home in South Glens Falls, NY, there is a lot of detailed arrangements that need to be done. It will be many “first times” for him beginning this summer. Pray for quick adjustments and smooth transitions.
- And don’t forget to pray that God would prepare a “home” for us in Anlong Veng as well.
Thank you so much, dear friend and supporter. You have been an amazing ministry partner to the Cambodian mission field through your faithful financial support and your endless and prayers. We especially grateful to your sacrificial support to Alliance Great Commission Fund which enables us to keep serving at the front line sharing the message of Hope in Jesus to lost people in that part of the world. And if you are able to give more, please consider supporting these approved special projects that we are raising fund for.
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Church families praying over the land where future the Anlong Veng Ministry Center will be |
To give online, please visit this website. Scroll down to click on “find a project” and type the name of the projects: “Anlong Veng Ministry Center”, “Northern Church Plant Cambodia”, and “Lao’s Vehicle”. In His perfect timing and His will, we hope to see these projects getting funded and started at a timely manner. For any questions or concerns about the works and projects, please feel free to reach out to us via this email or WhatsApp. We look forward to share with you more about the works and ministries in Cambodia…
Because He lives,
Soeuth & Syna
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Lao family |