Friday, March 18, 2022

March Update 2022

Dear Praying Friend and Family, 

It has been a bitter, cold winter. We look forward to welcome spring for a change. With spring is approaching, we have less than 4 months to get things ready for our return to Cambodia this summer! Yet, a lot is still to be done in such a short time. While we enjoy visiting churches in the US, we actually look forward to returning to Cambodia. Through weekly connections with some key church leaders, we were able to follow up with what was going on amongst our dear friends in Cambodia. 

Recently, after nearly two years of Covid related isolation, the northwest regional Cambodian churches welcomed an opportunity to fellowship with other believers in-person! On March 8th, church families joyfully participated in the men, women,  youth conference—all three events in one day!

Men's conference

Women's conference

Women's conference in northeast Cambodia

Northwest regional youth conference

Lately, it feels like we've been trotting on some rough paths since the beginning of this year with family and health issues. In late January, we had a few scary moments with our mothers (Soeuth’s mom, aged 83, lives with family in Cambodia; Syna’s mom, 90, in Tacoma, WA). Both moms had medical complications and were hospitalized for 3-4 nights each happening only days apart. We were concerned that if something happened, we would not be able to travel and see either of them because of the snow storms we had. Praise God, both moms are doing okay and are back in their familiar environments… 

Then in early February, Soeuth had a cold that seemed to linger on just a bit longer than usual. Finally, after a few visits to the doctor’s offices, he was diagnosed with onset seasonal allergy, a condition that left him with dry persistent coughs for quite a while… Then earlier this month, we had another scary moment with our one-year old granddaughter’s health… In the midst of it all, God was and still is with us. We were lovingly surrounded by the Body of Christ through their prayers and support. As we waded through these moments of personal challenges, we cannot help but wonder what God has in store for us in the near future, especially as we prepare to return to Anlong Veng, Cambodia.

Jesse (three) and Maya (one) watching a cartoon show

Lately, God has been sending us help, one by one, in preparation for Jonathan’s future home/living arrangement. At this writing, a used vehicle (2004 Mitsubishi Lance) was donated for Jonathan! The car needs 4 new tires, a new battery, and some minor repairments. After completing his HVAC training, Jonathan be living with friends at South Glens Falls, NY.  God still has great plans for our son.

Jonathan's "new" car

Events & other prayer requests…

  1. As you are reading this note (March 15-22), we are enjoying some R&R time in Florida visiting old friends and Soeuth’s relatives.
  2. We have a return ticket to Cambodia, departing July 4! However, there is still much to be done until our departure. Pray that we will finish the tour well. After the Florida trip, we still have 13 more churches to visit. As we continue visiting and sharing about the works in Cambodia, pray God would raise up awareness to support the Cambodian ministry. In our last update, we shared with you about an approved project—the “Anlong Veng Ministry Center” that we fundraised. At this writing, we received $81,000! We still have a long way to go before reaching our goal, but we are grateful for the funds received thus far. Shortly after our return, with this amount received, we hope to see the construction of a community bathroom and a soccer field getting started on to the property where the future ministry center will be. As more fund comes, we are trusting God to see a library, a computer lap, a dormitory, and the ministry center getting started, as well. If God is leading you to support this project, please consider giving online, scroll down to click on “a project you love” and type in “Anlong Veng Ministry Center." You can also send your donation by check. Make it payable to “The C&MA," write the project name on the memo line, then mail to: The C&MA, 8595 Explore Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. 
  3. As we prepare for our return, please pray that God prepare the right house to rent in northern Cambodia. This will be our home for the next four years. Pray also for opportunity to connect with our new neighbors and community. We desire to build good relationships and have a meaningful impact presence in the community where God places us. Pray that we find favor with local authority…
  4. Our youngest son, Jonathan, will finish his HVAC training by early June. Then we will move to his future address in late June. We hope to find an available job related to his training. He will be living with some dear friends of ours. Yet, because of his overseas upbringing, they may still be strangers to him at first. Pray for a smooth transition and adjustment to his new home and family. Pray for a community of believers and peers who he can connect with. 
  5. Please continue praying for our oldest son and his wife, Justin and Katie, in their language studies and for the health of their children.
  6. April 6-13: we will be visiting and saying goodbyes to Syna’s family in Tacoma, WA.

We are very grateful to you dear friend and faith supporter. Thank you for your partnership in the northern Cambodian ministry through your prayers and financial support. Your sacrificial giving to the Alliance Great Commission Funds enables us to remain serving God in Cambodia sharing the message of HOPE in Jesus to lost people in Cambodia and around the world. We appreciate you so much. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the ministry and the work there. You can reach us at this email address:  And if God allows, we hope to see some of you visiting us in Cambodia in the near future. You are invited! Come and see what God is doing in Cambodia! Please share with us what God is doing in your life.


Soeuth & Syna Lao

Enjoying some R&R time in Florida