Dear Praying Friends and Family,
We trust you had a blessed Easter celebration. Our God is alive and active. Because He lives, there is Hope even amidst obstacles and uncertainties…
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Easter service at Srae Kandal village |
Recently, Cambodia has few significant Covid-19 community outbreaks which took place mostly in the capital city. The latest outbreak took place among the garment factory workers where more than 500 workers were tested positive! As a result, the Cambodian government mandated an immediate lockdown in major city locations of the entire country including a complete lockdown on all major highways—no traveling between provinces for an entire month of April! With this sudden lockdown taking place just days before the annual festive Khmer New Year, April 13-16, this news was a HUGE disappointment and most depressing news for the local people who were anticipating for the approaching new year. But through it all, God is still at work; there is hope even in uncertainties; and there is light even in darkness…
Because of Jesus…
Recently, during a Good Friday evening service, a group leader from Toul Prich Firm Foundation Alliance church led the believers into a rich time of singing traditional Khmer hymnals, reading different scripture passages, and praying. Soon afterward, the participants were instructed to camp and to reflect on the written descriptions about the suffering Messiah found in Isaiah 53, and everyone was instructed to finish this statement in his or her own words saying, “Because of what Jesus did on the cross, (today) I…” Below are few, brief versions of the stories where believers share about their encounters with the resurrected Christ…
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Good Friday service at Toul Prich |
Tested, But Not Shaken…
The faith of Rattana (new believer of less than 9 months) and of her husband Kem has been tested repeatedly (please refer to their conversion story in August 2020 update—‘Tell Us More about Jesus’). Beside selling some beauty products at home, the couple owned an old 15-passenger van which they used as a taxi to transport furniture and goods and as well to transport people between provinces. In January, someone broke into their van and stole some valuable goods. Then at another time, someone broke the rear end lights—all these were added stresses and unnecessary expenses which became heavy financial burdens for the family. This family also owned a few hectares of land where they planted cashew trees since 2014. They had put much efforts into clearing the land before planting putting in continual hard, laborious work into caring and nurturing for the young trees. They were expecting to and hoping for an abundant harvest in early April, but on March 31 someone had accidentally started a fire which then spread rapidly by strong winds. The fire quickly destroyed 350 plus of their precious cashew trees! Despite these great loses and after reflecting the words found in Isaiah 53, through tears flowing freely down her cheeks, Rattana found courage to share her faith in the Resurrected Christ Jesus, saying, “Because of Jesus, I know that my true treasure is not on earthly possessions but is found only in Preah yea-sue. One day, by His grace, I will live in a mansion with streets of gold as He has promised." Since her conversion, Rattana has been faithfully attended and diligently studying God’s word in a weekly small group discipleship class. Currently, the same small group of 9 believers is studying a course called 'Christian Family.' Rattana and her husband, Kem, were among the 10 people who go baptized on January 31…
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Rattana, (in yellow floral shirt) was amongst the 10 who got baptized |
Noun who is from the same village also shared about her healing story, “Everybody in the village knew that I was sick and dying, that I had no hope for recovery. But because of Jesus, I am healed. I am stronger. I can go about with my daily works every day! My life is a living testimony that Jesus is the one true and most powerful God on Earth!”
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Noun working at a vegetable garden with her husband Kane |
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Noun and Kane rejoicing at their children's baptism |
Then, another new believer, Sem, in a quiet, humble voice cried out, “How can it be that this great God who created the universe even care for the smallest details of my needs! I am just a poor farmer with few earthly possessions. But when I lost my cows recently, I prayed earnestly to Preah yea-sue to help me find my cows. And He did! I know without any doubt, that Preah yea-sue not just loving me but He cares for all my needs."
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Sem (in the blue shirt) with Mr. Kong and Savy at Toul Prich house church |
Pheap’s Confession…
Seeing how everyone was sharing, Pheap began to cry softly and seemed to struggle at finding courage for what she was about to say. After a few moments of hesitancy, in trembling voice she blurted out, “I have something to share with everyone tonight. Before I believe in Jesus three years ago, I had some talents related to black magics. With the help of my spiritual guardians, at numerous occasions, I had abilities to cast spells and curses on people, especially on those who offended me. And I was good at it, until Jesus came into my life."
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Pheap (in the pink sweatshirt) with her Firm Foundation classmates |
After a long pause and uncomfortable moments of silence while everyone was intensely gazing at her direction, Pheap slowly turned to face to Noun who happened to set next to her, then began these shocking words, “Noun, I was the reason you were sick! I was the one who casted spells on you. I was jealous you! I was enraged of what you and your family did to my family. I hated your family for buying the very house that I was saving to buy for myself. (Some context: With the owner’s permission, Pheap and her family were living in a vacant stilted house with a ‘For Sale’ sign on the property. At that time, Pheap’s family also made a living by selling home grown vegetables which the family raised from the property’s gardens. Noun’s family had purchased the house and without the original owner/new owner (Noun) giving Pheap any explanation or advanced notice. Pheap had to find a new place to live immediately! This ‘heartless’ action had infuriated Pheap greatly. She had so much hurt, great shame, and humiliation that Pheap had secretly made a deadly vow with her evil spiritual guardians at that time saying, ‘Someone must die’…)
“And when you got sick," Pheap continued with her story, “I was glad on the inside. But I did not share this story with anyone! But then, you got better! I was shocked by this news! I heard that you met a new God named Preah yea-sue! And you told everyone that it was He who had healed you! I could not believe it. I watched and waited to see if your story was true. And it turned out just as you had said. And because of this, shortly afterward, I also prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since then, He has proven to me over and over again He is the one true God. And I believe in Him. After I prayed to accept Jesus, I had completely abandoned all the black magic practices. I destroyed and burned all the worship items. BUT even though I sincerely repented and confessed this sin to Jesus, I had never confessed this great sin to anyone, and especially not to you. And so today, in front of these people, I am asking you, Noun, to please forgive me for the evil things I did to you.” Surprised, shocked, and bewildered as everyone else was in service, Noun responded in tears, “I had no idea. And I am not mad at you. And because of what Preah yea-sue died on the cross for our sins, and because He rose again and is alive and living inside each of us, I love you. I forgive you!" At Noun’s word, there was not a dry eye in the house! Everyone who had participated in that Good Friday service joined in agreement that, because of what Jesus did, we all live in the assurance of knowing that we have hope, and love, and forgiveness in Him…
Family Update…
BIG NEWS!!! Justin and Katie, (our oldest son and his wife with two small kids), have been appointed to serve as International Workers with the Alliance in the Middle East. They have begun and will continue to prepare and train for the rest of this year. Lord willing, they will be leaving sometimes in late 2021/early 2022. We are grateful for this delayed timing departure because it will allow us sometimes to get to know our precious grandchildren (who are currently at 2 years and 4 months old). As you have been faithful in praying and supporting us, we appreciate your extended prayers and support for them as well.
Our youngest son, Jonathan, celebrated his 19 birthday, April 9, with his dorm family in Penang, Malaysia. Thanks to your prayers, Jon is thriving well spiritually, emotionally, socially, and academically. God has been very faithful especially in areas related to Jonathan. We cherish your love and support and prayers for our family.
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Justin and Katie with their two children |
Important Financial Update…
The Alliance has rolled out a new platform for giving! For those of you who are giving through your local churches, nothing has changed. If you are mailing in donation or have a recurring donation set up, nothing has changed.
However, if you normally give online, you’ll see that the page has changed a bit. To support us, please visit Under Gift Type, choose Give to the Alliance or to a worker you love. Under the latter, type “Soeuth and Syna Lao”, and then select the fund(s) of your choice. Then enter the amount you want to give and scroll down to continue with your information.
Other dates and events needing your prayers…
- As was suspected, due to the increasing cases of Covid-19 outbreaks, most of the group- activities planned for the months of March and April had been disappointedly cancelled or switched to online meetings. Those cancellations include the missionary annual prayer retreat and the national annual church conference for adults and the youth conference. This was the second year in a row that the youth conference was cancelled. Pray for regional youth workers to find creative ways to encourage and support young people especially during these times of prolonged isolation.
- The Strategic Field Review team will be meeting with Alliance International Workers (IWs) April 19-24, one unit of IWs at a time, via zoom meetings. Soeuth serves as one of the SFR members.
- Even with restriction rules still enforced by local authorities, some local people will most likely find ways to celebrate the Khmer New Year no matter what. Hopefully, they will do it in small group gatherings. Pray for protection against any further spreads of the Covid pandemic.
- Pray for strength and stamina as we wrap things up in ministries and for packing up the house for the remaining weeks as we prepare for
the upcoming transition to the US in late June…
Thank you so much for your continued generous giving!!! We are very grateful for your prayers and support. Please share with us what God is doing in your life.
Because He lives,
Soeuth & Syna