Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Happy New Year! We trust you are all doing well. It was busy a December-January for us with all the traveling and the Christmas events. At the rate things are going, we anticipate that the situations will only get more intensified as ministry transitions are coming in the next coming months. Below are some of the events taken place since our last update…
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Soeuth's TEE class at Srae Nouy |
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A boy with poor eye sight participated in children Sunday school class |
A Miraculous Healing Draws 19 People to Christ
As shared in the December update, 102 people (new believers from four surrounding villages) got baptized on December 28! While celebrating this joyful event with church families, we learned how the O Kandal village became one of the nine Alliance house churches that was planted during the Covid restriction…
Auntie Ree, age 69, a loving mother of nine adult children, a fragile looking, soft-spoken gentle lady who suffered from many years of joint pains and other chronic illnesses was running out of hope of recovery. Her devoted husband and concerned children had sacrificially sold off pieces of rice fields and other costly properties including valuable livestock so they could pay off her expensive medical costs. Concerned for her health, the family also sought help from various local medicine men (local witch doctors), but no help came their ways. Finally, Ree declared to her family, “Let me die. Save the remaining money for the children and the grandkids. Why waste all these expenses on me? I am tired of living.” When believers from Ksach Ampel heard about Ree’s sickness, they shared about the healing power of Jesus Christ, offered to pray for Ree, and asked if she was willing to “give Jesus a try." Ree reluctantly agreed. A few days afterward, the family noticed significant improvement in Ree’s health! Encouraged by the outcomes, family invited the believers, “Please come again and tell us more about Preah Yea-sue." They did. At the end of the visit, 19 people of Ree’s immediate family prayed to received Jesus Christ, thus birthed a new Alliance church site on October 23, 2020.
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A church was born after a miraculous healing took place |
As the weekly Bible studies (which are diligently led by Mrs. Rate from Ksach Ampel) continued, more people came to join the group. At the appointed time, 32 new believers from O Kandal village were among the many who participated in that joyful baptismal service. According the most recent ministry reports from local church leaders, Ree and her family remain steadfast in their decision to follow Jesus Christ and participated in the weekly worship services.
From Persecutions to Church Growth
As believers became bold with their sharing of Jesus with neighbors and relatives, people willingly prayed to accept Jesus Christ every day! With the number of believers grew, persecutions also arose. And every time heart-wrenching stories of persecutions were being shared, believers responded immediately in prayers while they all waited for and watched God at work…
Pheap’s Fame…
Recently, Pheap (see Pheap’s story in October 2020 update ‘Pheap’s meal on wheels’), a vibrant believer from Toul Prich Firm Foundation Alliance church was falsely accused of stealing. When the accuser, Pheap’ s next door angry neighbor spread lies about Pheap’s characters, many people even unbelieving villagers courageously stood up to defend Pheap’s integrity. Those who supported Pheap shouted their defenses in Pheap’s favor: “Pheap is the most honest person in the entire village!” Declared one lady who was not-yet a believer. “She did nothing but help her friends," added another villager. “Pheap is so kind to everyone she meets. I don’t believe a word you just said!” Still, another villager declared, “Pheap is not a thief. She was always giving even when she hardly had enough food for her family." Some curious villagers, amazed by how many people willingly stood up to protect and defend Pheap’s characters, sought out Pheap and had met with her personally. As a result, 6 people prayed to receive Jesus! The six people were among the 10 people who got baptized on January 31st and who are now members of the Toul Prich church!
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Pheap (pink top) proudly stands by 8 other friends who recently completed a Firm Foundation course! |
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10 people got baptized at Toul Prich |
Ranna’s Conversion…
Believers in Kampong Pluke floating village also received their many shares of persecutions. Vanna and his wife, Srey Noch, the two designated church leaders/couple for this village house church. They recently reported a spiteful, mean spirited, mid 30’s years old lady, Ranna, who was a constant “thorn in the flesh,” and a persecutor to the believers in this village. No matter how many times the church people tried to reason with Ranna, she would not relent with her lashing out of angry words and cursing remarks every time the believers met together for worship! Sometimes, while the Christians were singing or praying, she would play loud secular music blasting from her portable speaker! Sometimes, she purposely splashed out water mixed with oil onto a small dirt road, the only walking pathway to the house church, making it very difficult and dangerously slippery for people to get through! On September when the Kampong Pluke villagers heard about the fetal tragic drowning accident of Vanna and Srey Noch’s two small children (please refer to ‘Sad News…”, Sept 2020 update), people were shocked to hear unkind remarks coming from Ranna’s own mouth! Instead of mourning for the lost, she said, “They (referring to Vanna and Srey Noch) deserved to be punished! They not only believed in a foreign religion (Christianity) and had completely abandoned our old way (Buddhism), they now introduced this strange religion (Christianity) to everyone. I hate them!”
Despite all these remarks, the believers refused to retaliate and instead responded with kindness and prayers. They prayed boldly and consistently for Raana… Recently, the believers took notice of the significant changes in Ranna’s overall behaviors and even her choice of friendly and kind words, especially toward the Christians! “And she and her husband and some other family members attended the church last weekend!” exclaimed Vanna. When asked about her sudden change, Ranna shyly confessed, “I was angry and very unhappy with my lot in life. My husband and I have been married for nine years but I could not get pregnant. I was jealous of your happiness! You guys seemed so happy, peaceful, and content, but my life was empty and a total mess! I tried so hard to make you angry and picked a fight with just about anybody. But no matter what terrible things I did, you did not retaliate! So, I asked your Preah- yea sue to prove Himself to me if He was real. I asked Him to give me a baby. He did! I am pregnant! So, I want to be part of your happy family too." The Kampong Pluke church families gave shouts of praises to Jesus after hearing Raana’s explanation. Some church ladies gave Ranna many warmth welcoming hugs…
Since our last corresponding, a few other similar incidents also took place at various remote villages throughout the Anlong Veng church ministries where church growth took place and ongoing persecutions resulted. Many of them were amazing stories, but we cannot possibly share them all now. A recent ministry report given by one of leaders, a total of 48 new people from the Anlong Veng and the Srae Nouy regions had prayed to received Jesus in January!
A Special Need…
As the number of believers increase daily at remote village-church sites, the need to build a central- location worship center for larger group gatherings is urgent. According to Pastor Dy (our Khmer National ministry partner)’s February 6, 2021 ministry report, there are 20 Alliance village-house churches scattered throughout the Anlong Veng and the Srae Nouy regions with a total of 1187 members (584 adults, 163 youth, 440 kids--ages 1-12)! This number was very significant compared to July 2017 when we first arrived to begin church ministries in Anlong Veng where only five village-house churches existed!
While believers in each village location met regularly for weekly discipleship classes, prayer meetings, and Bible studies including Sunday church services, the key church leaders of the region frequently planned large group gatherings 3-4 times a year. Every time we held one of these large group gatherings, the average attendants was 500 people. Recently on a gathering on December 31st, even amid the Covid restriction, about 300 participated!
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300 plus participated in a Christmas/New Year's event |
And these remote village-believers longed for more frequent larger gatherings. The Srae Nouy church had an old small cracked cement building for worship. But, because it was too small and unsafe, the church leaders decided to demolish the entire building completely while trusting God to provide them with a new building in the near future.
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This old Srae Nouy church building was so deteriorated and unsafe and had to be demolished |
Responding to the need, the Cambodian Field Team Leaders (FLT) gave an approval for us to raise fund for the Srae Nouy (church building) Approved Special. Therefore, if you and your church families are interested in support this project, please let us know. Or you can go directly to the Alliance GIVE page and proceed to this account number: 1-47200-46-64-01036
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A New Year's service at Srae Nouy |
In addition to above please pray also for these dates & events…
1. January 9: We had a successful National Youth Committee meeting. A plan for the coming annual youth camp was among the many discussed topics. If the Lord is willing and if the Covid restriction will be lifted, we plan to hold a youth camp/ conference in Mondulkiri province, April 9-11, 2021. At the news, many young people were SUPER excited and are praying that this most anticipated opportunity would come through. To cover for the cost of traveling and registrations, each youth participant from our regions is encouraged to save up 80000 riels= $20.00. This amount is a big stretch for most people. Therefore, please let know if you are interested in sponsoring a few young people to a youth camp.
2. As previously shared, On January 18-20, 17 members (ages ranged from 21- 62) among the TEE and discipleship students took a hiking (but felt more like a survivor combat) trip/prayer retreat to Preah-vihear province. Soeuth and Pastor Dy took turns to deliver insightful and encouraging devotional messages. Jan. 19: after a very long tiring day of hiking, we returned to our truck with a surprised discovery, a huge snake was hiding in our truck.
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Pastor Dy and Soeuth discussed about ministry and family as they hiked |
3. January 20: As we were about to leave the hiking/camping site, a local pastor pleaded with us to “Please come and pray for a family." The event turned out to be an evangelism outreach where 4 family members prayed to receive on the spot!
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4 family members prayed to receive Jesus during a hiking trip |
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A hiking trip with TEE students |
4. With all the many Christmas celebrations, the Poipet leadership class had finally resumed on January 23rd. where 34 of our students participated.
5. January 30: Mr. Kong from Andong Chan village along with few other Christian musicians were invited to play traditional Khmer music at a Christian wedding in Thma Koul, in Battambang province. Those who participate the marriage celebrations comments on how well the musicians honored God by using their gifts. Among the seven member band musicians were a seven-year old drummer boy! Soeuth was asked to officiate at this wedding.
6. Feb 13: The next big baptism will be at Srae Nouy Alliance church.
7. Feb. 17-18: The Northwest regional church committees will visit the Mart Klaa floating church.
8. We appreciate your prayers for our son, Jonathan, who is still in Penang, Malaysia, and struggling with remote learning. Because of the increased number of Covid cases, the remote learning has recently been extended to February 18. Our hope and prayer is that he would be able to graduate in May.
9. We rejoice that Heng and Moum and their three littles girls are adapting well to the lifestyle and living situations in the Anlong Veng! And the church families from Toul Prich Firm Foundation Alliance church truly love and support their spiritual leaders—the Hout Soheng Family!
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Heng and Moum with their three daughters on their way to church |
10. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we face with many transitions and preparation for coming home assignment (HA) in the US. We are excited about the coming HA and looking forward to seeing some of you in the coming year!
Meanwhile, please do share with us what God is doing in your life. Thank you once again for your faithfulness and in financial and in prayer supports. We appreciate you so much.
Soeuth & Syna