Dear Praying Friend and Family,
After almost four weeks of constant rains, it is a joy to finally see sunny days again. THANK YOU for fervently prayed for the recent rains & floods in Cambodia. Earlier this week during our weekly village discipleship classes, many of our students shared some powerful and encouraging testimonies on how they had selflessly responded individually to the flood incidents…
What Would Jesus Do?
Mr. Kong, a vibrant believer and gifted, effective evangelist from Andong Chan village, shared about a difficult decision he had to make recently and about an opportunity to share the Good News with new believers as a result. Since early July, Kong and a few Christian men from his village faithfully traveled 17 kilometers distance on their motorbikes every Sunday afternoon to teach and disciple new believers in O Rum Jake village (this village was one of the 8 house churches planted during Covid restrictions). Last Sunday (Oct 18), because the flood water was approaching at a rapid speed toward his village, Kong was faced with a difficult decision: to stay home and prepare for the coming flood or to go and teach young believers in O Rum Jake (a daughter church of Andong Chan village). Wrestling with this tough decision, Kong asked himself loudly, “What would Jesus do if He was in my situation?” At that critical moment, upon reflecting on a Bible verse that he had memorized recently, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” (Matthews 25:36-37), Kong knew immediately that God would keep his home and his family safe from flood. Then, he reluctantly left and went to visit the new believers. “And it was the right decision” Kong shared. Anxious about the flood, the new believers in this village were deeply concerned and wondering if anyone was coming to help them. “All the houses in that village were surrounded by flood waters” Kong added, “They thought that we had abandoned them." Kong showing up at such a crucial time had brought so much encouragement to the young believers, that after the worship service, “6 more people prayed to received Preah yea-sue!” While Kong was ministering to the believers in O Rum Jake, he quietly begged God to protect his family from flood. He did. Upon returned home, Kong discovered that while he was away, the flood water quickly passed through his entire village affecting many of the neighbors’ houses, but the ground where his home located was completely dry!
“God’s word is like a fire burning in my heart”
Sofia, aged 27, a 9-month old Christian, a single mother of two small children from Andong Chan village, was grateful to God for the precious 20 kilograms of rice and some other dry good foods that she had received from a rice distribution at church last week. Although Sofia and her children were poor, she was often noticed by people around her to share generously what she had with other people. Recently, when her village was affected by flood, observing neighbors noticed how she continued to share what she had with others as usual even with flood water and all. As one neighbor described, “As the water was getting higher, Sofia was balancing her toddler son by her hip with one hand and holding a bag of food with another hand then waded through the flooded water to visit a neighbor." When asked why she was so kind to everyone, Sofia responded, “God has been so good to me. The least I could do is to share what He gave me with others." Sofia was often described by her observing friends and neighbors as being bold and courageous in sharing her Christian belief with everyone she met. When asked about her belief in Jesus, Sofia often responded, “The word of God is like a fire burning in my heart. I cannot help but sharing with other people about what God has done in my life."
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An observing neighbor shared with an entire class about Sofia's faith... |
Even with Rains & Floods Church Attendance Was Full!
Pastor Dy from Srae Nouy Alliance church, a humble servant of God and trusted national ministry partner, recalled many moments of concerns when church families were constantly calling him to ask for prayers and for help because of floods and the damaged crops. In response to the needs, we and some key church leaders immediately organized an emergency food distribution for the affected families—about 130 families in Srae Nouy and around Anlong Veng regions were among the grateful recipients. Pastor Dy excitedly shared in a weekly class recently, “Every year during a rainy season, the attendance was often low because people did not want to get wet coming to church. But this year, even with heavy flood and rains and all, the church attendance was full or double in every village church!” Last week, while the flood water was over a meter deep, determined to attend a church service no matter what, some young people from Pume Thmey village found creative ways to attend a house church (which was built on stilts). A young boy sat himself securely in a large cooking pot, then using a bamboo stick to row himself to church! Some other youth built themselves a raft from banana plants to float across the flooded water. Still some other youth and adults swam to church! Many of them joyfully worshipped God in drenched dripping wet clothes!
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Church attendance doubled even high flood |
In addition to above needs please pray also for…
- While the flood water had slowly receded in some locations resulting muddy paths, in some other places, there remained contaminated and polluted stagnated waters. We are preparing and anticipating for the worse to come, include mosquito transmitted related diseases and other serious diseases related to contaminated waters.
Flood in Poipet - With poor and/or damaged crops at harvest times resulting from the flood, we anticipate shortages of food supplies in addition to the inflation of the food price, especially rice!
- Last week, the worst fear for many people had been confirmed as some villagers spotted snakes and crocodiles swimming in flooded water where families with small children reside! Apparently, some people had kept private crocodile farms in their back yards. With a sudden overflow of unexpected flood, the crocodiles got loose into the heavy flood waters! At the site of the deadly animals, some village men worked quickly together and caught two fully grown adult sized crocodiles! Please pray for the safety for all.
Villagers in caught two crocodiles from flood water where families with small children reside! - Pray for wisdom and discernment as we minister to the overwhelming needs: what to do, when or where or who to help, how to help…
- Pray for new believers who live in remote places where the roads/ paths to their locations are still impassible due to flood. This maybe a testing time for their new faith.
- Even surrounded by deep levels of flood water, some families were afraid to move away from their flooded homes for fear of unwanted thieves. Even in the most difficult time as this, some evil people took opportunity to take advantage of the poor. Many flooded homes had been looted and their meager valuables or some cost domestic animals had been stolen. To avoid such troubles, families made shelters on drier grounds nearby and even on national highways, so they could keep an eye of their property.
People made shelters on national highway Flood families made shelters on National highway. - With no place to go and while schools are still closing, village kids were restless with nothing to do. Every Sunday, the Toul Prich village kids waited with much anticipation for Syna to arrive so they can hear and learn Bible stories followed by coloring pages. Last week, 32 kids showed up for Sunday school! It was a challenge to keep these active kids occupied and entertained while dealing with muddy and wet play areas. Please for these precious little ones to truly know God. Many of them who are from broken families. The kids have been consistently coming to church every week even though their parents are not yet believers.
Syna kept 32 kids entertained/occupied while Soeuth led adult church service Toul Prich kid's ministry - Continue praying also for Vanna and Srey Nouch as they are still grieving for the deceased children.
- Please continue praying also for our son, Jonathan, to finish high school well.
- Pray for the hundreds of thousands of school aged kids of Cambodia, especially for those kids who are from extremely poor families in the rural regions. Although there are some online schools offered for all students, for those kids who are impoverished villagers, there was no way they could participate in these online school systems…
- After more than seven months of postponing classes due to Covid pandemic, we will resume Poipet leadership class beginning Oct. 30-31
- Due to the unexpected floods in many provinces including the capital city, all previous traveling plans related to youth ministry had been cancelled but is now rescheduled to November 6.
Thank you for your on-going prayer and support. If God put in your heart to financially supporting the Cambodian flood victims in any way, please let us know. Your on-going generous financial support toward the overall Alliance Mission enables us to remain serving in Cambodia bringing the message of Hope in Jesus to lost people and to meet the need of devastated flood victims in such a time as this. THANK YOU!
Soeuth & Syna