Dear Praying Family and Friend,
There have been so many heartbreaking issues in the church ministries took place recently. Below are some of the events listed in a most recently chronological order...
Finally, Back in Malaysia!
After 7 months away because of Covid restriction, our youngest son, Jonathan, was finally allowed to return into Malaysia, on September 23! After dropping Jonathan and another Dalat student off at the Phnom Penh International airport at 4:30pm of Sept. 22, we waited anxiously for the next 19 hours before the announcement was heard from a dorm parent, “They're through!” Currently, Jonathan is being quarantined for 14 days in a hotel located next door to the school campus while resuming online school for his senior year at Dalat International School. THANK YOU so much for all your prayers for our son!
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They're through! |
National Youth Committees Mission Trip…
Sept 17-20: we traveled with six other KEC leaders to visit youth ministries in the northeastern region covering 1300 kilometers (800 miles) of ground traveling! Even though it was pouring rained hard every day, the devoted youth leaders of the region braved their ways on motorbikes across the red- dirt muddy and slippery paths to participate in the leadership workshops. It was an eye- opening and great learning experience for the National youth committees…
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28 youth leaders participated in an all-day leadership workshop ion Mondulkiri province |
Sad News…
Late, in the evening immediately after arrival to Mondulkiri province, we received a shocking news from church families at Srae Nouy: two young children, a boy aged 6 and his sister, aged 3, died on Thursday afternoon of Sept. 17 in a drowning accident! The parents, Vanna (please refer to Vanna’s story mentioned in ‘The Well of the Living Water’ in May part 2 update) and Srey Noch, have been used so powerfully and effectively by God in the planting of two new Alliance house churches during the Covid-19 season (these two new churches were among the 8 new village churches that were established during the Covid restrictions). BUT this month their faith was put to the test. Despite of the down pouring rains and resulting floods along the paths to the burial site, Pastor Dy, our National Cambodian ministry partner, reported that more than 250 church families went to show love and support to the grieving couple. The couple has a 7-year old son, named Yohann. Pray for emotional healing during this grieving time…
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Pastor Dy prayed for a grieving family who lose two small children in a drowning accident |
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More than 250 church people showed their love and support towards a grieving family |
Bon Pchum Ben…
During the entire month of September, Khmer people were obligated to observe a local religious holiday, Bon Pchum (sounds like ‘pa-joum’) Ben, where people go to the local temple (each family should go to 7 temples) with the idea of making intercession for relatives who have passed on. Starting at 4 am, every day, the local Buddhist priests and Buddhist monks woke the community up with loudspeakers reminding people to pray to ancestor spirits and to start preparing food for the temple offerings. Although the three- day holiday this year fell on Sept. 16,17, & 18, the required preparations took place since the beginning of the month! This is one the testing times for young and new followers of Jesus Christ as they were being pressured by unbelieving family to return to their old belief.
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Attendance doubled in every Alliance village house church during a recent religious holiday |
Spiritual Encounters…
During this holiday time, those of us who involve in church ministries saw and had personally experienced frequent spiritual oppositions and spiritual attacks, physically and emotionally, at an alarming rate. At the same time, upon realization and recognition of God’s power being at work, believers found amazing courage to stand firm in their Christian faith. Recently at one of our weekly village ministries, four people shared about their own separate personal experiences at a recent power encounter with the evil spirits. Surprisingly, while confronting or battling with evil forces, all four people (Syna was one of them) found immediate and unusual inner strength when they each quoted apparently from the same Bible verse! Exodus 14:14. “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm”.
A Motorbike Accident Led 16 People to Jesus!
On Sept. 1st, Lonh (age 66) a church member from Srae Nouy village, had a serious motorbike accident where he was immediately taken to the Siem Reap provincial hospital by an ambulance, about an hour drive away from the accident site. At the hospital, Lonh was admitted with 2 broken ribs, a punctured right lung, a broken upper right arm, 3 broken jaw bones, and few deep cuts on his tongue! A chest tube was immediately inserted with oxygen mask applied, and his jaw bones securely wired. Because of his age and other previous chronic medical conditions, the surgery plans were delayed until his conditions stabilized. Immediately upon hearing of his accident, church people gathered in small groups to fast and pray. So many church families went to visit him that the hospital staffs were amazed, “how could one poor patient have so many visitors every day?” Even with the seriousness of his accident, Lonh experienced no pains at all! During the 18 days in hospital, Lonh took only one does of pain medication! This remarkable incident puzzled even medical staffs and other patients and the patients' families! When asked why he was not in pain, Lonh whispered (the cut tongue affected his ability to speak clearly), “Jesus was with me the whole time and He took away all my pain!” Although Lonh was alone when the accident happened and while the other driver tried to run and hide, some brave eyewitnesses (complete strangers) were willing to testify the incident to the local authorities, where later on, Lonh’s family was able to receive some settlement in cash. Seeing the power of God at work in his life, when opportunities were allowed, Lonh and his wife (Poev) shared the good news of Jesus to nearby patients and their families; together, this godly couple led 16 patients to Jesus! Please pray for a continual divine intervention and for miracle of healing on Lonh’s life. This week (Sept. 24th) after released from hospital, Lonh joined Syna's weekly class at Srae Nouy and testified to the entire class about power of God at work in his life. Lonh is praying that God would restore his ability to speak. Because of the cuts in his tongue, Lonh could only whisper audible words…
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After surviving a horrific traffic motorbike accident, Lonh returned to class to testify God's mighty work over his life |
A Prayer Dedication of Anlong Veng Ministry Center Land…
August 29th was a day of prayer at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center’s land. Because of Covid restriction, we shared the news to a few church leaders about the event. At the appointed time, more than 100 people showed up! Upon invitations, three local policemen, two public school principals, a villager leader, and few other prominent men of the community came to participate the joyful event! While waiting for the people arrival, Mr. Kong from Andong Chan village took an opportunity to share the Gospel to one of the policemen, "C", the assistant chief of police in Anlong Veng district. At the mention of his name, the policeman (C) whom Kong was speaking to recognized Kong immediately and remembered what a rascal, a scoundrel, and the “troublemaker in town” Kong used to be, five years earlier, before Kong’s encountered with the ONE TRUE GOD. Amazed at the transformation Kong turned out to be and upon hearing what was shared about Jesus, this policeman, C, listened intensely to every word Kong was speaking. Seeing an opportune moment, we immediately gave C a small Gideon New Testament Bible and some literatures. A week later at our weekly class, Kong shared about the many times each day for that entire week that C called him, repeatedly, for questions related to scriptural passages that C was reading! As the Seed had been planted, pray that God continue reveal His truth to C and to other prominent men in the Anlong Veng community…
In addition to above prayer requests, here other dates and events needing prayers…
- We praise God that the Cambodian government finally relaxed Covid restrictions allowing church services in the city areas to meet with 30 people or less.
- Please continue to pray for church families who are still severely affected by Covid restriction resulting the lost of jobs and lack of incomes while they are trying to look for other options to generate incomes to meet their family needs.
- The new disease, Chikungunya, also locally known as “Chick”, continues to plaque people in rural areas. This week, 18 of our church families from Anlong Veng region were being treated and hospitalized at local referral hospitals. Pray for healing and miracle interventions.
- Heng and Moum and their two girls moved in on Sept. 13th and now settled in their new home in Toul Prich Village. There are still some construction works need to be added to make the house live-able. The young couple is expecting another baby girl in early December.
- Despite the Pchum Ben holiday, the most spiritual testing time of the year for new believers, this past weekends, church attendants were full in every one of the 18 church sites! Pray that 600 plus new believers (who received Christ during Covid restriction) to remain steadfast with their decision to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray for safe traveling and protections as we drive long distant trips, 2-3 times each week, for village ministries.
- October 15-17, we and some National youth committee member will begin another long road trip across the country to visit youth ministries in northwest and central regions of Cambodia. We are very grateful for your ongoing prayers and financial support toward Alliance Ministries. Thank you for your partnership in the Anlong Veng Ministries and in the over Cambodian ministries. Please share with us what God is doing in your area.
Soeuth & Syna