Tuesday, July 2, 2019

June Update 2019 (part 2)

Dear Prayer Partners,

Here is an update of what recently took place:

Youth Rally… 

Early morning at the appointed date, we loaded up 30 young people from Anlong Veng areas into two vehicles and traveled 3 hours to a quarterly rally at Svey Sisophon. We were among the few vehicles to arrive first. Then other vehicles with excited young people traveling from four different provinces also arrived safely. During worship time, young people took turns to perform their special songs, some with dances. There were also two young men who shared their life journey testimonies.

Isaiah and Mark bravely shared their testimonies at a recent youth rally
Rev. Bo Samoeun, a passionate youth leader, spoke a powerful and relatable message based on Luke 5:1-11. He challenged the young people to work as a team and grab opportunities while they still can to develop godly characters, attitudes, and intellects. Then he asked, “As Jesus called the first disciples to follow Him, He is also calling some of you in this room to be fisher of men. Who is willing to answer the call? Who is willing to be used by God for His Kingdom advancement?” At this, more than 100 youth raised their hands to answer the call! Altogether, 190 people participated in the rally, and about 40% of them were first timers. Overall, it was one of the best attended and most participated rallies. Many young people were excited about it and could hardly wait for the next one.

Srae Nouy village kids attended rally for the first time
Of the 190 youth participated in a recent rally, 40% of them were first timers!
About 100 youth answered the Call to be fisher of men
A meal of fellowship among friends at the rally.
Jonathan keeping little children entertained while we taught a leadership class in Poipet
A Flat Tire… 

In our previous update, we shared about church families from Anlong Veng areas who attended the leadership seminar in Battambang. Here is a continuation story.

Because of distant locations, Mr. Kong and his family from Andong Chan village along with two other church families had to spend a night at our place before the appointed trip. After the seminar while they were on their way home, Kong’s motorbike had a flat tire and they were in an isolated place. For security reasons, the traveling companions (six adults and four small kids) decided to wait together as a local repair man fixed Kong’s bike. It was late in the evening and the kids were tired and hungry. Seeing the restless kids, one kind lady gave the little ones some dinner, then she asked about who this group of strangers were. Prompted by Holy Spirit, Kong told the kind lady how thankful he was that Preah Yea-sue (Jesus) allowed him to visit Battambang for the first time. When she asked, “Who is Jesus?” Kong took the opportunity to share with her about the Good News! As a result, she and five other family member invited Jesus as their Lord!!! Kong told us that it was God’s plan all along to save this family by allowing him to have a flat tire.

Kong (in long sleeve shirt) with Pastor Dy sharing with us about his recent exciting adventure.
A New Pond...

After many attempts to build a well failed, local church leaders decided to have a pond dug instead.  But because of land erosions, the new pond was not as deep as it was meant to be. Regardless, the church families at Andong Chan village are still thankful for the pond.

Mr. Kong and Soeuth in front of a new pound at Andong Chan village
Share & Prayer… 

At a recent joined discipleship class in Andong Chan village, people shared some amazing stories about how God was protecting them and answering prayers. Three people shared how God protected them from major accidents. Then another new believer, Seng, shouted praises to God for answering her prayer saying, “I can’t believe that the God of the universe would hear my prayers! My family needed water so badly and I prayed to God about it, then He gave us rains!”

Seng, a new believer, prayed for rain and God answered.
As new believers are becoming bold in sharing Christ with neighbors and friends, they also are facing on-going persecutions. Please pray for church families from the remote villages around Anlong Veng for physical protection as well for their faith to remain steadfast in God.

Dates & events needing prayers…
  1. July 3-8: Annual Field Forum for Alliance International Workers in Siem Reap province.
  2. July 7-10, Syna will travel to Colorado Springs for a meeting then will join Soeuth and Jonathan in Minneapolis for family vacation until July 21.
  3. July 26-August 3: A visiting team from Brooklyn Chinese Alliance (NYC) will visit Anlong Veng for children VBS and adult leadership seminars. This will be the team’s first time in Cambodia!
  4. August 4: Syna and Jonathan will travel to Penang; Jonathan will enter 11th grade on August 6.
  5. August 8: Syna will join and speak at northwest regional women seminar at Svey Sisophon.

We appreciate your continual prayers and support.  Thank you for partnering with us in the Anlong Veng church ministries. Please share with us what God is doing in your midst.


Soeuth & Syna