Friday, June 14, 2019

June Update 2019

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Here is a continuation story as a result of last month’s motorbike mission trip…

Maria’s Incredible Journey…

In one of the new villages, at Alliance house church where we visited during a recent mission trip, we heard of a heart wrenching story from a poor family of new believers. They were desperately searching for their missing daughters. When the girls were just 6 and 9 years old, they were separated from their loved ones while the family was living in Poipet 20 years ago. After giving us detailed information of the girls’ descriptions, this poor family begged us to search for the missing children. We promised that we would do our best to look for the girls. Immediately after getting back from the trip, those participants from Poipet took the search to every orphanage, children center, and every local children NGOs (non-government organizations) in town. After visiting many places and asking many questions, our team found one girl named “Maria” who is now 28 years old!

Maria sitting in the back seat anxiously waiting to meet her family
With the help of modern technology, the Poipet team helped connect Maria to her family. After a few phone calls back and forth, followed by many personal and familial questions, the family was satisfied and confirmed that Maria is one of the missing girls. They wanted to see her immediately! Christian friends offered help and Maria was sent by a taxi to our house in Anlong Veng on May 21st. Early the next morning we took her to reunite with her family. What a tearful and joyful reunion it was! While staying at our place the night before, we learned a bit more about Maria’s incredible journey…

Maria meeting her mother for the first time after 20 years of separation
Immediately after the girls were snatched from their family, a group of evil people sold the girls repeatedly from one brothel to the next during the girls’ first year in Thailand. The girls were abused beyond measure. Every day, they would cry out to an unknown God for help. One day, local authorities busted this evil organization. The girls were rescued and then sent back to Cambodia through the Poipet border where they were placed in a local children's NGO along the border. But year after year, even with many efforts (from this local NGO) in trying to find the girls’ family, no one had come forward to claim them! As time went on the younger girl, being rebellious in nature, became restless and was tired of waiting. She decided to move on with her life. She left the center and moved to live somewhere in Phnom Penh. However, Maria refused to leave Poipet believing “One day, my mother will come back to look for me…” During the years of waiting, Maria was exposed to many Christians who at various times played a significant role in her life.

Although she had heard about the love of God and about countless biblical stories many times before, Maria had sternly erected walls of disappointment and bitterness around her heart and did not allow herself to trust any person…

But God’s timing was perfect! Upon our recent mission trip to Preah Vihear, Maria’s great aunt, who was a new believer, shared about their family's needs. So the Lord God sent us, the mission team, to this far-away remote village at just the right time. As a result, one girl reunited with her family!

Maria's great aunt, a new believer, giving praises to Jesus for saving Maria
Family members meeting Maria for the first time after 20 years of separation
During our recent trip to Poipet, Syna reconnected with Maria and was able to learn some more about her emotional family reunion. After a sweet time of sharing, Syna helped Maria trace back to some dark moments of her life. She also helped her identify certain events and places where the hand of God was with her, even in Maria's darkest moments. Through many prayers and encouragement from Christian friends, Maria was able to forgive those who wronged her. On the afternoon of May 31st, Syna had the privilege of introducing Maria into the family of God! Maria had at last invited Jesus Christ into her heart. She currently joins the Living Water Alliance church in Poipet!

Panha’s Passion… 

Panha, at 17 years old, is very passionate when it comes to sharing her Christian faith! When she was four years old, her rice-Christian mother ("rice-Christian" is someone who only comes to church when in need of prayer, healing, material items, etc) took Panha to a local Alliance church in Poipet hoping to “trick” and take advantage of the “Jesus people." But as time went on, through faithfully attending Sunday schools and Bible-based English classes, Panha learned much about the One true God and became hooked. She is now madly in love with Jesus Christ!

Her fierce love for God is evident in her daily life and in her godly characters, which she regularly demonstrates both at school and at home. Panha soon became a magnet to her friends attracting her peers to Christ. At the same time, she also became a target for persecution within her community. Even her own mother persecutes her. Despite the on-going hardships, Panha continues to boldly and courageously share her Christian belief with everyone, even with her classmates and teachers! Last month, it was Panha’s first time to participate in the annual motorbike mission trip and she loved it! During our recent visit to Poipet, Panha brought a friend named Sarita who joined the monthly leadership class. At the end of the day, Sarita decided to invite Jesus into her heart. At their request, Soeuth had the honor of explaining God’s salvation plan and prayed for Sarita. It was really Panha’s godly characters that played a major role in motivating and influencing Sarita to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Soeuth explained God's salvation plan to Sarita with Panha sitting between them

Leadership Seminar…

On June 8, we took 20 church people from Anlong Veng areas, riding in two vehicles to participate in a regional church leadership seminar in Battambang province. For many who went with us, this was their first time ever to visit Battambang and to participate in a big Christian event! With that, it was a joy to see and hear so many “Oh” and “Ahh” reactions from each of them! Soeuth spoke about “Hidden Sins” based on Joshua chapter 7 and challenged the leaders to evaluate and identify any dark and secret sins in their lives. There were opportunities, in small groups, for some leaders to identify and confess their sins.

About 100 people participated in the recent leadership seminar

As of early May, we have had the privilege of introducing a godly young man, Hout Soheng (Heng), to some of the Alliance village churches in Anlong Veng areas. During our years of missionary service in Poipet, we had the privilege of knowing and discipling Heng, coaching and mentoring him into leadership ministries.

Heng visiting in a church service at Srae Kandal village
From what we know of him, Heng is a sharp and gifted spiritual leader. Being well versed in the Word, Heng is also a good Bible teacher and expository preacher. He and his wife with two small girls are currently living in Phnom Penh where Heng studies in his third year of Bible school. It is our hope and prayer that upon graduation, Heng and his family will join us in the Anlong Veng church ministries, hopefully by August 2020. Until then, Heng continues taking a night bus from Phnom Penh to Anlong Veng bimonthly for weekend church ministries.

New Development…

Recently, some church families from Srae Kandal village found labor works at a remote rubber plantation. At night time, when the believers came together for a family devotion, other plantation workers began to eavesdrop. They then sat down to join the worship group! This went on night after night since early May! Because some of these other workers (not yet believers) showed interest in learning about God, the Christian workers were asking if we could go there and help them! We plan to visit this group of plantation workers eventually. Meanwhile, we supplied the believers with extra Bibles, hymnal books, and other Christian tracts including MP3 radios with an audio Bible and Christian teachings. PRAY that these young believers would be bold in witnessing to other workers and that they would be protected. PRAY for openness and receptivity from those curious on-lookers, for the opportunity for us to visit this site soon, and that God would send us help. We consider it an honor and a great privilege to be working closely with new believers discipling them into maturity with Christ. Their child-like prayers and complete trust in the Savior is an on-going inspiration. They are so hungry and thirsty for spiritual food. But we could only do so much with just the two of us. Please continue praying to the Lord of the Harvest to send us more workers soon…

Dates and events in need of your prayers…
  1. Some villagers are crying out for clean water. We tried getting a well built in some areas, but the workers could not reach the water level. Our next option is to dig a pond, but this is a bit more expensive than drilling a well. The local church leaders are working closely with regional church leaders in obtaining permission from local authorities as well as raising additional funds. Pray that all plans will go smoother.
  2. Thanks to the generous gifts from Sawyer Filters (from Ohio), many families in Anlong Veng are blessed to have their own water filter in each home!
  3. We enjoyed having the Filipino ladies stay with us to shadow around Anlong Veng church ministries. God has touched their hearts greatly! One lady, a team leader, will return in August for further observation/searching. Please pray for clear directions as they seek to follow His will in ministry.
  4. Next northwest regional youth rally is on June 18 at Svey Sisophon.
  5. Next Poipet leadership class is June 21-22.
  6. National youth committee’s quarterly meeting in Phnom Penh is June 29.
  7. International Workers’ annual Field Forum is on July 3-8 in Siem Reap province.
  8. July 8-21: We will go to Minnesota to meet a new family member, Jesse Dominik Lao!
Thank you so much for your partnership in the Anlong Veng and the Cambodian ministries. Your prayers and financial support to the Alliance keeps us serving in Cambodia, bringing the Light and Hope of Jesus into dark places. We are grateful for your support. Please share with us what God is doing in your lives!

God is on the move!

Syna & Soeuth Lao