We were in Hawaii, Feb. 23-March 11, speaking at two Alliance mission conferences! In between speaking, we also had some down time where generous church families graciously took turns showing us around some of the most beautiful sites in Honolulu! We feel so blessed and loved.
And while here, we received the greatest news and blessing of all, the birth of our first grandchild! After more than 20 hours of painful labor, a beautiful and healthy baby boy, Jesse Dominik Lao, was born to proud parents Justin and Katie on March 6 at 7:51am weighing 8.10 pounds! Both mom and baby are healthy and strong. For now, we could only treasure and love our grandson from a distant through pictures and videos…
Our first born, Justin, holding his first born child |
After 20+ hours of labor, Katie lovingly holds her first born son |
- February 8, Soeuth had the honor and privilege of marrying and officiating an Alliance MK who grew up in Poipet and married another MK! We have known the bride’s family more than twenty years. It is a joy to see children of International Workers choose to follow their parents’ footstep in marriage and in ministries.
Two MKs (missionary kid) got married in the country they grew up in |
300+ Alliance men attended annual prayer retreat at Eden Center |
120 villagers participated in worship service before baptism |
Pastor Dy prayed before baptism |
People lined up to be baptized |
45 new believers got baptized at Andong Chang village |
Dates and event needing your prayers…
- Kailua team visiting Anlong Veng, March 16-24.
- Soeuth will perform a wedding, the first Christian wedding at Andong Chan village, March 21.
- Jonathan returns home for spring break, March 30- April 7.
- National Alliance adult conference in Phnom Penh, April 1-3.
- National Alliance youth conference in Thma Koul Eden center, April 5-7
- Khmer New Year, April 15-17
Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We appreciate your partnership in the growing Cambodian church ministries. Please share with us what God is doing in your midst.
Soeuth & Syna