Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 18:3. He also said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14.
In a culture where adults and elderly are honored and respected, recently during Andong Chan village ministries, we heard stories of how God used some precious little children to demonstrate His power and might in a special way. At a “prayer & share” time Syna simply asked, “What and how have you seen God at work this week?” Then, one after the another, Kong and a few other shared recent experiences of spiritual encounters…
Rebecka and Tamma’s Prayers…
Rebecka and Tamma sharing their lunch at Andong Chan village |
Mr. Kong shared that one Sunday evening during a family devotion time, he and his family were madly disturbed by loud secular music blasting from a loud speaker from his neighbor’s house! “I was very upset and wanted to do something about it," but his wife and some of his extended family members pleaded with him to remain calm and pray. After persistent pleas, Kong reluctantly agreed and joined his family in prayers. Kong went on to admit, “Even as I was praying, my heart was still angry!” While the adults and some older kids were praying, two little cousins, Kong’s granddaughters, Rebecka and Tamma, both aged 3, walked around in circle tapping their hands on the adults’ heads praying! At first, Kong thought that the girls were being naughty while some others thought that the girls were playing a “duck, duck, goose” game! But as they continued listening closely to the girls’ words, they all were utterly amazed! These two precious little girls were literally praying in the authority of Jesus Christ! They went about in a circle repeated these words, “In the Name of Jesus, you evil spirit come out!” Kong shared that as the girls tapped on every person’s head, “I suddenly felt rush of peace and calmness showered over me! Initially I went to pray still full of rage, but God calmed my heart through the girls’ prayers!” Kong continued, “At the end of prayer, the loud secular music was immediately switched to songs of praise and worship!” Apparently, these loud neighbors were also members of Andong Chan village! But being that it was Chinese New Year time they said, “We were bored and just wanted to try a different flavor of music.” After realizing that their actions were causing disturbances to Kong, they quickly came to Kong’s house to confess their misconducts. Kong and his family immediately reconciled with their neighbors’ offenses followed by apologies and forgiveness…
Abigail’s Prophecy…
After hearing about Rebecka and Tamma’s story, Pastor Dy recalled an incident that took place recently at Srae Nouy Alliance church where God also used another child to deliver His message. It was at a church service, a few weeks ago, during a testimony time, Pastor Dy asked if anybody had any testimony or prayer request to share. A few adults went up to share. Sitting beside her mother, one shy little girl, Abigail (age 11) felt the urge to say something to the church. When her mother asked what it was that she wanted to say, Abigail responded, “I don’t know, but I feel that I must go up and say something to the church.” Abigail stood up wanting to go to the front, but when feeling unsure and afraid she immediately sat down. She did this few times. Finally, Pastor Dy motioned for her to come forward. She obeyed, went forward, stood behind the podium, and opened her mouth to speak. Instead of the usual traditional greetings (where a person put hands together and in prayer and say “Jum-reap su-ah”) Abigail said, “Hello everybody! Are you well?” Some people were surprised and began chuckling at such strange greeting! Abigail then pointed her finger to the congregation and said in a calm way, “You are weak, because there are sins in the camp. Get up then and confess your sins and repent!” After a few moments of hesitation, she rushed out of the church. Afterward, Pastor Dy stood up awkwardly and said, “These were not words of that little girl but of God!” With that he broke down and sobbed. Everyone in the room began to cry uncontrollably followed by more than 30 minutes of prayers for confession and repentance… At hearing this, Kong and Raa and a few others nodded their heads in agreement that what Pastor Dy had just shared was true, because they all were in the same church service that day…
Srae Nouy Kids’ Boldness…
Since enrolled in Abundant Life discipleship class, the Srae Nouy church kids have been on fire for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to their peers and teachers at school! Even at a public school, they are known to be bold and courageous for defending their reasons for choosing Christ as their Lord and Savior! Most Cambodian rural public schools (grades k-6) every Thursday set aside a “Art & Talent” show day. Every child is encouraged to perform special talents, abilities. Some sing any choice of special songs or recite a poem to the class. Most kids would normally choose the latest most popular secular songs to sing, but the Christian kids prefer to sing their favorite praise and worship songs! Instead of reciting traditional Khmer poems or proverbs, the Christian kids choose to recite/ quote long phrases or verses and even short chapters of memorized Scriptures! Some of these Christian kids can sing like angels! Their choice of songs was often accompanied by beautiful talented choreographies! And usually after the Christian kids sang and danced, some non-Christian kids wanted to follow and learn to sing and dance from them! As a result, friendship was built and opportunities to share their faith increased! Pastor Dy said, “It is not uncommon to see school aged kids playing noisily at the church yards, every day.” When asked why they came to church, the kids responded, “We want to follow Jesus too." Pastor Dy continued, “For the past few weeks, since early January, at least one or two kids came to receive Jesus every day!”
Srae Nouy kids enrolled in discipleship class |
We have the Joy and Privilege of seeing God at work among new and young believers around Anlong Veng areas! God, in His mercy for the lost, reveals Himself to those who truly seek Him. As previously and often shared, God is moving and stirring hearts every day! The spiritual field is ready for the harvest! We continue to pray that God would send workers to join us soon.
Toul Prich kids ministry |
Syna & two 11 year old girls at Maakhoeun village |
Syna reading books to kids at Srae Kandal village |
Soeuth telling Christmas stories to 100+ kids at Toul Krasang village |
Dates and events needing your prayers:
1. We are excited and anticipating for our first grandchild, grandbaby Lao is coming into the world, early March! Please pray for good health for both the mom and baby and for a smooth delivery.
2. National KEC (Alliance) men annual prayer retreat is February 14-15 at Thmar Koul Eden Centre.
3. Next northwest quarterly regional youth rally is March 8.
4. Since returned from US, Syna has been battling with upper respiratory infection, and now Soeuth got the same bugs as well.
5. The next few weeks will be busy traveling and speaking at church mission conferences and attending conferences.
Please pray for health and safe traveling for both of us.
Soeuth & Syna