Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors,
Greetings in Jesus’ most powerful Name! We trust that all is well with you. Thank you for being so patience with us, especially with our delayed responses with update ministry reports.
So much has taken place since October, the last time we wrote you. During the winter break, Justin came to spend sometimes with us, Dec. 19-Jan. 6th. But our time together was cut short when Syna’s mother was sick and hospitalized for 10 days in Tacoma, Washington. Syna made a quick trip, Dec. 31-Jan. 4th, to be with her mother, and then another longer trip on Jan. 23rd -Feb. 3rd. Thank you to many of you who have been praying for Syna’s mother. She is comfortably staying at home receiving moderate nursing cares from family members.
Every weekend, we continue with our visiting and speaking at various Alliance churches throughout the Metro District areas. Spring tours began on January 8th, and it has been a busy journey ever since. We are grateful to God for the opportunities to share with supporters and church families about the ministries of Cambodia.
January brought us some exciting news!
First of all, based on the unanimous decision from January Field Leadership Team (FLT) meeting, our family has a new assigned location for our next missionary service in Cambodia! We will be doing church planting related ministries similar to that of the Poipet ministries. The new location is called Anlong Veng located in Odar Meanchey Province, about three hours drive away from Poipet; it is still within the Peoyop District/northwest region. From our previous visits to Anlong Veng district, we’d sensed a strong spiritual darkness and spiritual needs there were overwhelming. Because Anlong Veng was the domain/ the “headquarter” of former Khmer Rougue regime, nearly the entire region/ district are still undeveloped. And as far as we know of, there is a group of believers, no Alliance church there, yet. Because of the bad reputations involved including historical and political events related to this place as well as the atmosphere surrounding this new location, we envision that Anlong Veng would be even a darker and more remote place than Poipet would have been. BUT we are serving a faithful and victorious God! We believe that HE who calls us into the far regions and beyond, HE will go before and with us to this new place. Please join us in prayers that even now, GOD will begin to soften the hearts of Khmer people, preparing the field for the harvest, bringing lost people in for His own.
Secondly, in addition to the unanimous decision to send our family to Anlong Veng, the Field Leadership Team also unanimously approved the request for us to raise $45,000.00 US dollars in order to purchase a piece of property at Anlong Veng! Please be in prayer that God would lead us to the right property. This property will be a central local for the future ministries.
Last but not least, the other exciting new is that there will be a new member added to the Lao family! Our oldest son, Justin, is getting married on July 1, to a very delightful and godly young lady who is from a wonderful Alliance missionary family, Katie Kragt! Having met and dated for over two years, Justin and Katie decided to “tie the knot” this summer, especially before both sets of parents return to our designated mission fields. Both Justin and Katie are in their third years in the nursing program at Crown College (Alliance school) in St. Bonifacius, Minnesota. We are very excited at the way God brought these two together, and we could not be more proud of their decision to honor God with lives.
Upon return to Cambodia, Jonathan will return to Dalat School where he will enroll in 9th grade there. With Dalat International School starting on August 2, Syna will need to escort Jonathan and an MK (missionary kid) to Penang, Malaysia, July 31- August 4. It would a tremendous blessing, ifJonathan could see what our house looks like before heading out to school.
Looking ahead, our summer is packed with activities and things to be done and so with many transitions coming our ways. Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not true, with God. So, we are relying on the promises that, “I can do all everything through Christ who gives me strength” and “My God shall supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:13 & 19.
For Cambodian ministry update, the Khmer Evangelical Church (KEC) youth ministry just had their regional youth rallies on March 8. Please pray for the upcoming National KEC youth camp which is scheduled for April 7-9 at the Eden Center at Thmar Koul district in Battambang province.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the right house that we will look for renting and live in for the next four years. It will be not just any house, but a home for us and for the ministries. The timing is very crucial. We are hoping and trusting God that we would be able to locate just the right house within the few days after arrival (July 4), before heading out to join our team mates at the annual Field Forum at Springfield Resort, Thailand, on July 8-17. If the house is found, then, we could really enjoy Field Forum.
2. Pray that the landlord would be kind and willing to cooperate with us as we will make requests to add things onto the house. By the nature of the town, we do not expect find a house that already has indoor plumbing or window and door screenings! But wouldn’t it be an extra blessing, if we find one?
3. Pray for safety and protection from snakes, landmines and other dangers in Anlong Veng.
4. Pray that we will find favors with the local villagers, village and/ or community leaders.
5. For beginning ministry opportunities, we are looking to find ways to partner/ work with existing local.
6. We are anticipating that God will do even greater things in Anlong Veng by pushing the darkness, demolishing Satan’s strongholds, and claiming souls and new territories for God’s kingdom. Pray for a harvesting field at this new place.
7. Pray for the upcoming transitions, including Justin and Katie’s wedding.
We appreciate your partnership with us with the Cambodian ministries. We are grateful for your on-going prayers and financial support. Some of you, as individuals and through your home churches, have been faithful in supporting us through the GCF! For that we are very grateful. Every dollar you support us through the Great Commission Fund is what kept us in the mission field ministering to those in need and sharing the Gospel of Hope of Jesus Christ to lost people in Cambodia and around the world. For some of you who had never done it before but are interested in partnering with the Cambodian ministries, please send your donation payable to The Christian and Missionary Alliance (The C&MA), PO Box35000, Colorado Springs, CO 08935-3500. On the memo section, specifically designate your donation (s) to:
1. Support the Lao family in GCF: This money is what kept us in the field to pay for our rents, transportations, facilities, medical benefits, and other living expenses.
2. Lao’s Work Special: This money allows us the freedom to use where specific ministry needs are.
3. Lao’s Personal Gift/ Outfit: This fund is given for our personal use including birthdays, Christmas gift, outfits, personal traveling expense, and for other personal needs.
4. Anlong Veng Ministry Center: This money is for us to purchase a piece of property for the starting of a ministry center in Anlong Veng.
5. For beginning ministry opportunities, we are looking to find ways to partner/ work with existing local Cambodian people in Anlong Veng.
To give online, please visit this website: and follow instructions above.
He is able,
Soeuth & Syna Lao