“She was so young!” “Why is God taking her now?”… These are among the many comments made by people who attended a recent funeral for the daughter of a KEC church leader…
ME-SABETH, a precious little girl, an only child of a key church leader, first grandchild for both sides of the families, was accidentally ran over by a truck and instantly killed, on Wednesday, June 18. She was only one year, 9 months, and 5 days old! Her parents, devotedly and humbly serve as key church leaders (father-- Pheap) at Ondong Thmar Meas church in Poipet, and Laalyn (mother) as a National Children ministry for the Khmer Evangelical Church (KEC). We had the privilege of disciple (a new believer then) Laalyn, in Siem Reap Province (1998-2002), in many Christian Education classes as well as TEE and in Sunday School teacher- Training program. And when we moved to Poipet, July 2003, God allowed us the honor of leading Pheap to Christ and to disciple him in various leadership classes. In a culture where arranged marriage is commonly practiced and young girls are encouraged to marry as early as 14 to 16 years old, Laalyn courageously decided to defile all cultural expectations for her life! She was willing to trust God to give her the right guy. Even at the age of 28 when she was considered as “old maid” by her relatives and friends, Laalyn was willing to wait on God’s timing. So, as a reward to her faithfulness, GOD sent Pheap into Laalyn’s life. Once again, during their 5 month- engagement periods, Soeuth and I had the privilege of guiding and walking them through in the premarital counseling secessions. The couple took a Christian wedding on January 2011.
Early in their marriage, Pheap, strongly convicted and inspired by the testimonies of the three Jewish guys (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) determined to lead his family, committed to live the rest of their lives following the examples of his three Biblical heroes. So, upon the arrival of their first born, Pheap, with the agreement of Laalyn, creatively named their daughter “Mesabeth” as a reminder of their commitment to live faithfully and boldly honoring God no matter the cost! Little did they realize that only a short time later their faith would be put to the very same test…
CHAOTIC BORDER: For the past few weeks, due to continual political unrest in Thailand, many Cambodian emigrants (both legal and illegal) from Thailand are being redeployed into Cambodia! So far, according to a local authority, the total amount of those returning to the homeland is 250,000 people! And more people kept on coming out of Thailand every day! There has been an exodus of refugees packed up like sardines in trucks, at the Poipet border! The Cambodian government issued a state emergency! In response to the needs, many local NGOs as well as local churches are being flooded to the border to offer counseling, basic helps including, medicines, transportations, food, and drinking waters. Even our CAMA ambulance trucks are on stand- by ready to offer help when in need! Every day, hundreds of military trucks loaded up thousand upon thousands of people, offering them free rides to return to their towns.
In the midst of the chaos, some people are reported to have missing small children and family members. The Christians not only responded to the basic needs, they reached out in prayers and spiritual supports. Many counseling secessions and prayer opportunities were given. According to Mr. You Chan Seyha, a KEC church leader from Santepheap Village, that so far, a total of 14,550 Christian literatures/ tracts have been handed out! In these times of desperation and confusion, however, people are witnessing the amazing love of God being poured out through the actions of His children, and desolated refugees are finding hope in Jesus! Despite the chaos and confusion at the border, many people took the time to read the hand-outs! The seeds of the Gospel have been planted. Pray that they would sprout wherever these people go…
While we were visiting our children at Malaysia (May 30th –June 8th), our medical team mates in Poipet were busy treating many sad cases of church people with all kind of medical problems! One young man from Santepheap church, BO-REY, aged 26, newly married, was contracted with a disease called Japanese Encephalitis. According the medical team, JE is a viral disease contracted from mosquito bites transferring contaminated blood from swine to human, affecting cerebral systems, causing terrible seizures. Once contracted (without previous preventative vaccinations), the case is hopeless. As in Borey’s case, there is no cure by modern medicines! Unless, God decides to step in…
Borey, a well-like, had a well-paid job, a good looking and an athletic young man, was full of hope for his family. He attended the Santepheap KEC church for many years, but later chose to walk away from his faith. When he met and fell in love with his wife, he reluctantly agreed to take on a Buddhist marriage. As a result of his recent disease, some young people from the KEC churches are speculating that God is punishing Borey because of his wayward decisions. Yet, for the non-believers, this is a time for them to lash out their rage against Christianity, saying, “If this Jesus is so great, then, how come He allows such things to happen on his children?” There is no answer. Borey is, indeed, in God’s hand. But our God is in a habit of turning something beautiful from ashes. Meanwhile, the Christians are taking turns to help caring for Borey and his family needs. Seeing how Christian families are pouring out their helps toward the family, Borey’s young wife has recently accepted the Lord Jesus as her savior! As only God knows the true motives of human hearts, please pray that her decision is a genuine one.
Updates on Mrs. MOUM: Before we left for Malaysia, we were able to visit Mrs. Moum and attended a weekly Bible study class at her house. Before the class began, however, Soeuth challenged the entire family to take some times confessing their sins before God and before each other. As a result, her three older daughters began to cry as they, one by one, admitted their sins against one another, and they each asking the other for forgiveness! It was very moving. Everyone in the entire house was crying and hugging one another, including Mrs. Moum, her children, and grandchildren, and even some of the neighbors who happened to attend that class as well! It was miracle to behold! Right before our eyes, we witnessed the many walls of bitterness and rage began to crumble down! And the shield of forgiveness and love was immediately rebuilt! Mrs. Moum’s journey has a long way to go yet, but and her family, now, have many more reasons to celebrate the joy of knowing Jesus in their lives…

June 18, (before the death of Mesabeth), the northwest region had another quarterly regional youth rally, in Siem Reap Province. Because of the distant location and with the raining season in full swing, only 120 youth attended the rally. Yet, everyone seemed to have a great time… Up until at 3 pm, upon completion of the day, when a pastor’s son, backed up his truck and accidentally ran over Mesabeth. Measabeth’s father, Pheap, and many youth saw the whole thing! But there was no time to react! It happened too sudden. She did not have a chance. Many young people who had witnessed the entire incident are still having a hard time coping with this tragic loss. Please pray that God would calm their hearts and healing would soon take place…
As planned, the northwest KEC churches had a one-day husband and wife seminar, June 21, in Svey Sisophon church. Many who were involved helping out at the border and those who were strongly affected by Mesabeth’s tragic loss could not attend the seminar. Yet, despite of the many absents, we had a great turn- out for the event. About 80+ people came!

Our God is in control!
Syna and Soeuth Lao
with Justin and Jonathan