Happy Khmer New Year!
You’ve been praying for the recent National KEC youth conference, we want to share with you some ministry updates…

By late evening and upon arrival (April 1), we received more bad news: Four members of the National youth committees could not make it to the conference due to family emergencies. And the camp director (we’d rent a camp) made some last- minute changes that had some significant effects on the conference!!! Having no other alternatives, we proceeded as planned.
In late afternoon on the next day, April 2, the first day of the conference, everyone arrived safely, and all seemed very excited to be at the conference at last! The registration time went until late in the evening. Although the number of those who actually registered and paid for the conference fees were only 528, more than 550 people showed up at every meal time! The committees had to do the head counts at each meal so that we would not be over charged by the catering people!

About 11:30 am on the third and final day, while the joined service was going on, another rain storm hit the camp very hard! The strong winds nearly knocked off the tents! This was very unusual for April! It should be the hottest and driest time of the year! And yet, here we had two thunder and rain storms in one week! However, instead of complaining and grumping as we had expected, the youth leaders turned the whole event into fun time for everyone; it became a raining party! The worship leaders led the group with a number of popular, fun songs. And many young people, feeling encouraged by their peer, went out to dance in the rains! It was so amazing and fun to watch!
Around 3 pm of that last day, we received yet another bad news! Chamroeun, one of the worship leaders, received a shocking report that his house in Phnom Penh was burned to the ground! The fire destroyed everything they owned, including their whole life saving! Everyone was very upset! That evening during the final worship time, the youth committees decided to give a special offering for Chamroeun and his family. We realized that the giving probably would not be much, being that it was the last evening of the conference, and that the young people most likely had already spent their every last penny on snacks and souvenirs. But in respond to the needs, the committees decided to take the collection anyway. All the money was collected and immediately counted. The currencies received including US dollars, Khmer Riels, and Thai Bahts—altogether it was $570.00! That was about $1.00 from every person attended that conference! This amount may not sound much to people living in the West. But in Cambodia, bases on average income, this amount is about 5- 6 month salaries! As one young man exclaimed, “Who says that the young people don’t have money?”
Staying with the conference theme, all pastors and seminar leaders spoke variety of toptics all related to “Hot or Cold? Lukewarm, No More!” Every night the guest speaker, Rev. Nareth May, challenged the young people to make a decision to follow Christ. The first two nights, there were about 10-20 people raised their hands up showing that they were willing to make that decision. But on the third night, about a 100 people went up to the front stage to answer the altar call!

And did I mention that our boys, Justin and Jonathan, were with us the whole time, taking along their suitcases and other personal belonging, attending parts of the conference, waiting for us to take them back to Dalat School after a week off from their spring break? They were such a good sport playing along with all that went on. Jonathan even enjoyed playing in the rains with the other Khmer kids!

For quite sometimes, Meing (Auntie) Pheap had consistently asked Soeuth to preach at a new church site, in Doung Mear Village, Battambang Province. Meing Pheap (founder of Bethlehem Church, in Battambang) has been excitedly sharing with us about a daughter church that she and the leaders from Bethlehem church had planted since December 2013! Every time we go teach a leadership class in BTB, Meing Pheap would often repeats the same request. But time did not permit, until now… So, while in Penang, Soeuth was working on an Easter message as requested by Meing Pheap and some elders.
This Palm Sunday, April 13, we went to Doung Mear Church! Upon arrival, however, we’d noticed that a place of worship, surrounded by dried rice fields and grass huts, was located under the shades of mango and coconut trees with 50+ colorful plastic chairs all lined up the adults, and 5 large blue plastic sheets, on ground, for children to sit. A number of respectful village men and women, along with the village families and their many children were already presented at the site! Older children had lovingly and carefully decorated the service area with palm leaves, seasonal flowers, and balloons! Everyone was excited about this special event! Having arrived early, we had sometimes to meet and chat with people before the service began. That was when Soeuth felt led to preach an evangelistic message instead! During the service, many different age groups of children and youth took turns to perform their special songs. Everything was so beautiful!!! The children truly sang and worshipped from their hearts! In the sermon, Soeuth challenged the audience to think about the origin of Earth and everything on it, including the origin of mankind. He‘d asked, “Since everything on Earth seemed to have a beginning, then, who is the Maker of all things?” Everyone seemed to pay close attention to every word spoken. Even the very small kids sat still throughout the entire service! Amazing!!! We had never seen such good behaviors as in these kids! At the end of sermon and upon altar call, 10 ladies went to the front and asked to receive Jesus! The church families celebrated this special occasion with very tasty green curry with rice noodle!

This week, April 14-16, is Khmer New Year! As in every religious holiday season, this is a testing time for church people, especially for new believers. Many people already left Poipet to visit their hometowns. For those church people who are not traveling, they will come to our place on April 15 for a full day of games and fellowship. The Living Water church will do the same on April 16. Please pray for protection and safe traveling for all. PRAY that believers would stand strong in their faith.
According to Mr. Bo Samoeun, the lead member of the Svey Sisophon prison ministry team, Mrs. Moum is due for release on May 13! This is the most anticipating moment for Mrs. Moum and for all her friends and family! Please PRAY that the authorities will keep their words.
Thank you for praying. Happy Easter! Our God is alive! Hallelujah!!!
Because He Lives,
Syna, Soeuth, Justin, and Jonathan