Dear Friends,
GREETINGS from the land of the tropics! As some of you receiving this newsletter are experiencing
some extreme cold weather, we are going through heat waves with a daily average
temperature in the mid 90’s degrees F! Our upstairs part of the house is unbearable
during the day time hours! Even with
continuous running fans in the evening hours, it would only circulate hot airs!
Despite of the extreme heat that would normally accompanied March and April, however,
we look forward to the best time of the year that is yet to come, the mango
season! For those of you with a sweet
tooth and are craving for some juicy mango with sweet and creamy sticky rice
for dessert, this is the best time for a visit! And all around our yards, we
got about 12 trees full of mangos ready and waiting for you!

Some of you have been asking about Mrs. Moum. By agreements of the Cambodian “laws”, her
time of captivity should come to completion by May 2014! We are praying and trusting God to work HIS
will on her case.
CLASSES: Every other
week on Tuesdays, we travel to Battambang (BTB) Province to teach all- day classes. Despite of the fact that it’s a very long and
tiring day for us, spending more than 13 hours on road trips and teaching, after
hearing what was shared, however, we often feel encouraged at the end of the
day. Altogether, we have 26 students from the BTB areas, and many of them are key
church leaders. Since the missionaries
exited out of the province , and with the church people constantly moving in
and out (in search for jobs), most KEC churches from the areas began to decrease in numbers, and in some
places the church became weaker. In
addition, the leaders from the BTB Province expressed a sense of isolation and
lonely, and they persistently asking for a class to start! In
respond to the needs, we began a leadership class in June, and then another
class in July 2013.

Currently we have two classes going on, “Spiritual Leadership” and “How to Preach” at various locations upon request. This is one of the most exciting classes we have! The students, mostly farmers, give up one day of work, come to class with great anticipation, all assigned lessons prepared, and with their minds eager to learn and hearts ready to receive! We often have a rich sharing time when students take turns to tell one another what God is doing in their lives. At the end of the classes, everyone went home feeling encouraged as the result. Every meeting, students and teachers, alike, packed their own lunches and even brought extra ready to share! The common expressions that we often heard, “I can’t wait until the next class!” Or “Why can’t we have meetings like this more often?”
On Monday evenings at our house, we also have a leadership class where 22 students attended. The students come from various backgrounds: some are key leaders from the nearby churches, others are full-time staffs from local NGOs, and some are university students. Because of their diverse backgrounds, the discussions were always lively. Currently we are studying the “Spiritual Leadership” class. Please pray for the students. Some of them are going through some severe testing times. Five students from this class have recently lost their jobs (their contracts ended with local NGOs).

anticipating event for young people is coming on April 2-5, when the Annual
National KEC Youth Conference will take place in Kampong Cham Province! The National youth committees are expecting
about 650 youth from all over Cambodia!
Pray for the speakers of seminars and main events. The fact that we are in the midst of the HOT
season (average daily temperature now is in the mid 90’s), we are anticipating
some potential problems with electricity and water supplies. Please pray for the committees as they
oversee the entire conference. Pray for
good health and protection for those who will travel from distant places. Among the 45 + of the KEC youth from Poipet,
about 20 guys (from the soccer team) will attend this conference for the first
time! Please be in PRAY for the overall
needs and potential problems that may arise.
Pray for safe traveling of all the youth and leaders from around
Cambodia. Many of the young people attending
this conference are first timers. Please
pray for receptive hearts. This year’s
theme conference is based on Rev. 3:15, “Lukewarm. No more!”

grateful for your continual support to the GCF which enables us to serve God in
this part of the world, bringing lost people into God’s Kingdom. Please do share with us what God is doing in
your life.
Because He Lives,
Soeuth and Syna
with Justin and Jonathan Lao