Just want to send you a quick update before we take off to Field Forum. On June 21-22, the KEC northwest region had their quarterly women retreat in Siem Reap Province where 132 ladies attended. Syna spoke a message based on the book of Judges, chapter 4, challenging the women to Be Light and Be Strong in their communities, even as they are living in midst of male-dominant culture. Many women who attended the conference came from many different walks of life: many of them are poor families struggled to raise their families as single parents; some have unbelieving, passive, unfaith, alcoholic, and or abusive spouses. At the end of the conference, many ladies were determined to live a life as Strong Women just like their heroine, Deborah!

When we presented the money to Lena, she cried and wished she could be at the conference as well. During the week we were in Siem Reap, Lena had some complications with the incision of her left eye. We’d arranged to send her back to Emergency Hospital where the doctor looked at the wound and changed her prescription.

- Please continue to pray for Lena and her girls, and for Mrs. Moum.
- Pray for the coming C&MA Field Forum, July 9-14, at Kampong Sorm Province. Our guest speaker is Rev. Sunder Krishnan, Senior Pastor at Rexdale Alliance Church, Toronto, Canada.
- Pray National KEC Youth Conference, August 12-15, at Thmar Koul Center, in Battambang Province. We are expecting about 600 youth will attend the conference.
- Pray for a united spirit among the National youth committees. Pray that these youth leaders would see clear vision for the youth ministry.
Soeuth and Syna Lao