Dear Faithful Supporting Friends and Family
Happy Thanksgiving! We have been extremely busy with ministry and family matters for the past few months. By the grace of God, things are beginning to “slow” down a bit. In case you were wondering, below is what has occurred since our last update…
A Timely Visit...
Syna visiting her aging mother |
From September 11 to 26, I (Syna) took two weeks off to visit my aging mother along with other family members in Washington State. My mother was battling a health crisis. Upon arrival, I was shocked to discover that other family issues needed immediate intervention. Only God knows. His timing for my visit was crucially necessary and meaningful. As of November 1, my mother and older sister have a reliable home health aide to assist with their daily basic needs. Praise God for his timely provisions.
Having a few extra days, I found discounted tickets and flew out to visit our youngest son, Jonathan, who lives with relatives in Palm Coast, Florida. Since his move from central New York to Florida in May of 2024, we assumed that Jonathan was settling well in his new location, living with relatives, and working at his new job. However, upon my arrival I was once again shocked to learn that Jonathan had struggled to adjust to his new environment. Desperate, I cried out to God for help and asked a few friends for prayers. And God sent help in various ways. I connected Jonathan to a few godly families from the area who understand third-culture kids (TCK). To this day, Jonathan regularly meets with these families for fellowship along with social and emotional support. Looking back, it was God who sent me out on a mission to help my family in Washington and then help our son in Florida. It was an emotionally stressful visit, but I was glad I went…
Enjoyed a meal with Jonathan |
Meaningful, Impactful Presence
As soon as I returned, we hit the ground running. In addition to the long and detailed process of preparing for the library dedication and the KEC youth camp, we hosted three visiting teams from our partner churches in the US, one after another. Each team arrived between and during scheduled events. Each team brought their unique gifts and talents to work alongside us, making our presence meaningful and impactful within the local community. With the support of our visiting teams and the hospitality of the local school principals and village leaders, we had opportunities to conduct workshop seminars in three public schools! A team specializing in trauma care did sessions with students, helping them identify and deal with trauma-related issues. While a second team taught basic hygiene, the third team taught the “Danger of the Internet.”
A visiting team teaching trauma care to students |
In addition to teaching workshops at the public schools, each team had unique opportunities to interact with students and teachers in various capacities. Although meeting guests for the first time, students were noticeably comfortable working alongside the visitors when painting their classrooms, cleaning the inside buildings, cutting grass around the ground at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center, getting ready for the library dedication and for the youth camp, fellowshipping/gaming, and playing soccer at our newly build soccer field. We had opportunities to share the Good News briefly, even in public school settings! As a result, at the end of their visit, the teachers, students, and event village leaders invited the teams to “Please, come back again soon!”
Teaching basic hygiene to public school students |
Teaching "Danger of the Internet" at school |
The Dedication of The Firm Foundation Library
Soeuth cutting ribbon at the library dedication |
On the appointed day, early morning of November 8th, 300+ people showed up for the dedication of the Firm Foundation Library, including 150 students dressed in uniform from 4th-9th grade, their teachers, two village leaders, 80+ church leaders from around the country, and local official dignitaries. When it was time for the service, the Trapang Krasang village church kids beautifully performed a traditional “Blessing Dance” followed by five dignitary speakers. One of the key speakers was Rev. David Manfred, the Cambodian Field Director, who delivered a powerful 10-minute message about how Christians (also known by the locals as the “Jesus People”) responded to the “Loving God & Loving Their Neighbors" message and as a result, this library was birthed. One of the dignitary speakers, who was not a believer, rightly commented about the name chosen for the library. He said, “Since wisdom and knowledge can be obtained through reading, how fitting it is to have a library filled with books with a ‘Firm Foundation’ name attached.”
Students with dignitaries at the library dedication |
As I sat and listened to all the speakers, I could not help but reflect on a personal experience on April 17, 1975, when Anlong Veng was the headquarters for the Killing Field regime. In this three-and-a-half era, over two million Khmer people were killed just because they were educated. Today, by the grace of God, this once blood-soaked land is now filled with life where knowledge and wisdom are also added… At the end of the dedication service, followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony, everyone enjoyed a grand tour of the beautiful library currently opened to the public. A three-course meal was immediately served to all the adults and dignitary guests, while each student was sent home with a packed lunch box and care package of school supplies.
Local dignitaries toured the newly dedicated library |
300- plus people attended the library dedication |
The KEC Youth Camp…
Nov. 14-16: With growing anticiaption, the KEC annual youth camp dates were approaching fast. At the appointed time, church people, young and old, began to arrive at the campsite in one vehicle, one motor, and one bus after another. Finally, on Nov. 14 at 4:30pm, 630 people came and registered for the youth camp. Those who arrived early had an advantage in setting up their sleeping tents or camping gear, and they graciously offered helping hands to those who came later. About 150 tents were set up to accommodate enough sleeping spaces for all the campers. After the first dinner, which began at 5:30 pm, the evening service started at 7 pm. The Srae Nouy youth had the honor of opening the camping event with a traditional “Blessing Dance.” The camp consisted of five main events, five keynote speakers, and four seminar speakers. Each keynote speaker was to give a specific message that answered the camp theme: WHO AM I?
630- plus people attended the KEC youth camp in Anlong Veng |
In addition to the five main events and four workshop seminars, campers had opportunities to participate in relay games, soccer, and volleyball competitions, where awards and trophies were given to first, second, and third places. The Anlong Veng girls received first place in the girls soccer competition, and the Srae Nouy girls came in second place. Due to intense heat waves, some youth suffered various minor injuries, including a few heat strokes.
Soccer teams prayed before a competition |
There were a few highlights from this camping experience: We had many more volunteers than in any previous events. About 50-plus people, primarily the campers' parents, approached us and said, “Just tell me what to do.” With all the extra volunteers, the youth committees set up stalls to sell food, ice coffee, soft drinks, and snacks to all the campers, including the camp’s t-shirts. Overall, we raised almost $2,000 to help cover the cost. The dates which the camp took place coincided with a national holiday when many people would instead visit Siem Reap or Phnom Penh for a Water Festival holiday. November was a typically busy rice harvesting season, where every helping hand was needed at home. We didn’t anticipate many people would attend, but 630 of them came! After each main event, there were opportunities for altar calls. About 20% of the campers stood up to recommit their faith and allegiance to God.
Campers participated in workshop seminars |
AV girls getting ready for a soccer match |
Other Dates & Events needing your prayers…
- Please for the many Christmas celebration events scheduled throughout the entire month of December. So far, Soeuth already accepted four Christmas speaking invitations.
- The Srae Nouy church will combine its Christmas celebration and a church dedication ceremony on December 29. The Firm Foundation Alliance church in Anlong Veng will have its celebration on Dec. 31.
- Each celebration allows church families to invite their friends and relatives to church. Some of them will be hearing the Good News for the first time. Pray for receptive and responsive hearts.
- With all our busy time hosting teams, running camps, and working in other ministries, Soeuth and I picked up the common cold, which seemed to linger longer than expected. Pray for complete healing before we embark on another season of a busy Christmas season.
Please share with us what God is in your midst. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer support and partnering with the Cambodian ministries. We are very grateful to God for you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
Soeuth & Syna
Visiting the floating village |