Sunday, March 2, 2025

March Update 2025

Dear Faith Supporters,

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19

Recently, we have seen an amazing movement of the Holy Spirit at work among the believers in northern Cambodia. Church families are showing strong interest in studying the word of God. Since the beginning of 2025, people were signing up to enroll in small bible study groups. New discipleship classes were being added every month! In addition, church families became bold and willing to go out and share the Good News of Jesus with their neighbors and relatives, winning souls in to the kingdom every week! We are in a season of harvest…

Last week, after learning about a need, Syna along with her TEE students went to visit a very sick elderly lady in Toul Prich Village. Touy, an elderly woman in her late 70’s, has been suffering from chronic eye infections in addition to her many chronic illnesses. Desperate to get better, Touy had spent much of her wealth and resources seeking help from various medical facilities and even from witch doctors. However, no one offered any help. Recently, after hearing about Jesus from her neighbor, she requested, “Please ask the ‘Jesus People’ to pray for me.” Thus, came the invitation for that visit. After explaining the salvation plan, Touy willingly prayed to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. The next day, Syna bought her some prescribed eye ointments and prayed for healing over her. Arrangements were made so Touy could visit an eye clinic soon. With great anticipation, we are begging the Great Physician to heal Touy’s eye according to her faith...

Touy, an elderly lady, as a new believer sitting in church for the first time!

58 New Believers Got Baptized

58 new believers got baptized on Feb 22

On February 22, we joined a baptismal service at Srae Nouy where 136 people from eight different village churches came together for a joyful celebration. After a few songs of praise and worship, Soeuth gave an encouraging message about “Finishing Well.” 

Soeuth and Pastor Dee baptizing new believers

Through this message, Soeuth challenged the believers to remain faithful in their spiritual walks even when facing daily life struggles. After the message, people had opportunities to testify why they chose to follow Jesus. One after another, 15+ new believers eagerly fought for opportunities to share their testimonies. In between testimonies, the crowd gave praises to Jesus. They erupted with songs of joy and dancing. There was so much joy and gladness in the house that Noeu (please refer to Noeu’s story in ‘Jesus Was Never Too Busy to Answer My Prayer’ from August 2024’s update), one of believers who got baptized declared, “If there is much joy and happiness on earth now, just imagine how much more joy it will be in heaven!” Altogether, 58 new believers got baptized on that day.

Noeu excitedly shared about her baptismal experience at Srae Nouy

Noeu and her granddaughter got baptized

A Jesus Hater Becomes Jesus Lover

One by one, new believers lined up to give powerful testimonies. When it was his turn, Chhen (please refer to ‘Chhen’s Faith Journey’ from December 2024’s update) stood up with sadness in his eyes. He shared how he used to persecute and torment many Jesus followers in his village. For unknown reasons, “I just could not stand to hear at the mention of that Name.” Chhen’s own mother was once a young vibrant believer, but because of Chhen’s constant nagging and determination to “destroy the Jesus people at all cost,” she eventually abandoned her faith altogether. In order to slander and maliciously harm the Jesus people, he was willing to go to places just to stir up trouble among Christians. It was one of those trips, that Chhen got himself arrested and imprisoned in Thailand on October 2013. He was released on April 2016 and “dumped” back at the Cambodia-Thailand border. In his great time of need, the very people whom he hated the most became his saviors. “I was God’s enemy, but He sent His people to rescue me.” Since his encounter with the living Christ, Chhen’s mission had changed drastically. Every chance he could, Chhen is asking for prayers that his mother, his wife, and many of his relatives would turn back to God. Chhen concluded in his testimony, “I used to hate Jesus. But now, I love Him so much that I want all my family and friends to know Jesus as well. Please pray for my unbelieving relatives.”

Chhen's baptism

Dates and events needing your prayers:
  1. April 1-3: the seven members of the National KEC Youth Committees member will have a prayer retreat in Koh Kong Province.
  2. At this writing, March 3-17, we are having our family with our children in the Middle East.
  3. The house churches in Poipet will come together for a joined Sunday service on April 13.
  4. Khmer New Year, April 14-16.
  5. The Firm Foundation Alliance Church will have a baptism on April 20. 
  6. May 15, 2025, we will return to the US for a one-year home assignment. We will be at Cedar Lane Missionary Homes, Inc. in New Jersey. We will have a lot of space for visiting guests if you are close by and have time for a visit.
  7. As we anticipate the coming home assignment plans and activities, please let us know of a potential date if you are interested to schedule for a mission weekend with us. For the past three years, we have seen many noticeable works that the Lord is doing among the Khmer people. Please watch this video:
Please share with us what God is doing in your life. We would love to pray for you as well. Thank you for your love, generous financial support, and partnership in the growing ministries of northern Cambodia.  

With a grateful heart, 
Soeuth and Syna Lao

Thursday, February 13, 2025

February Update 2025

 Dear Faithful Support and Friend,

In case you are wondering, ‘What ever happened to the Lao?’ We are still around, alive and kicking, but we have been swarmed with busy schedules. Thank you for being so patient with us…

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 

The Seed Has Been Planted…

For the past few years, living in the community of our host culture, we have strategically and intentionally worked closely with two local public schools, where many of our church children attend. We made ourselves available when opportunities allowed us to attend or participate in meetings for school events or village activities. As we got involved and immersed in the community, we were frequently invited into homes to pray for the sick, open houses, weddings, funerals, and or baby dedications. Knowing we hosted visiting teams occasionally, the schools gave up opportunities to teach workshops or seminars to students and their teachers. We do not truly understand the motives behind each invitation. Our primary desire is to be a meaningful and impactful presence as we live in the community, always looking for opportunities to share Christ with our neighbors.

Recently, in an attempt to obtain legal building permissions for the Anlong Veng Ministry Center, we encountered a few “red tapes” with local authorities. Seeing our dilemma, a school principal offered to help us! When asked why, he said, “These past few years, we have been watching you helping our community in so many different ways. Our villages are poor and have little to offer, yet you came to live among us and even built a library for our children. Although we don’t share the same beliefs, you treat and welcome us kindly. Helping you is the least I can do.” This school principal, Mr. K, has been secretly conversing with our church families about the Christian faith. Although he has not made any decision, the seed has been planted. Lord willing, we hope to “reap a harvest” soon…

“Let the Little Children Come to Me…” 

Srae Nouy's children ministry

In response to the needs, we opened our home in early October and invited local children and teenagers (about 30 of them) to participate in fellowships once or twice a month when times allowed. These children, between ages 2 and 18, come from dysfunctional families. Many live with aging grandparents and extended family members while their parents (mostly divorced and remarried multiple times) work in the capital city or Thailand. Often, the children are left to fend for themselves, including cooking, washing, bathing, and caring for their younger siblings while walking or riding a bicycle to school. The risks of accidents or misbehaving are significant without proper parental supervision. They all waited by our gate on Sunday mornings, hoping to catch a ride to church with us. We provided simple snacks and soft drinks at a monthly fellowship gathering, followed by relayed games and fun activities. 

Children monthly fellowship

During the three-hour time with us, we kept them busy with fun activities and engaged them in conversations as much as possible. Over time, relationships were built, we earned their trust, learned about each child’s needs and struggles, and tried to meet them as much as possible. It broke our hearing recently when one of them said, “Thank you, teachers! We love coming to your house. You care more for us than our parents ever did. I miss my parents and wish they would stay home more often.” Another child also said, “My mother left me long ago. Sometimes, I wonder what she looks like now or if she ever returns to get me.” There are so many sad cases among these dear children. And we do not have answers to their problems. The best we can offer is to invite them in and let them enjoy a childhood experience with fun and laughter, even if for brief moments of their lives.

Monthly children fellowship at Lao's house

Dates and Events needing your prayers…

  1. Feb. 13-15: The Anlong Veng team plans a prayer retreat in Siem Reap.
  2. Pray for a joined baptismal service at Srae Nouy on Feb. 22. 
  3. Recently, our church families have been busy and boldly sharing their faith with their neighbors. Young believers take God’s word at face value and willingly share the message of hope they found in Jesus. It was encouraging to watch brand- new believers proudly making disciples of their own!
  4. Discipleship class at Srae Nouy
  5. Please continue to pray for safety on the long, distant trips we make each week to teach leadership classes. 
  6. March 3-17: We are excited to visit our children in the Middle East. Jonathan will also join us from Florida on March 10-17. This will be our first family reunion since November 2021!
  7. For your information, we will return to the US from May 15, 2025, to June 1, 2026, for a one-year home assignment. We will stay at Cedar Lane Missionary Homes, Inc. in New Jersey. Please let us know if you would like us to visit your church or small groups.

As always, we appreciate your partnership in the Cambodian ministries through your prayers and financial support to the Alliance Mission. Your generous and faithful financial support to the GCF enables us to continue serving God among the Khmer people in northern Cambodia, sharing the true hope found in Jesus Christ with lost people. Together with your partnership, we are “reaping a harvest” for the Kingdom in Cambodia and everywhere. Thank you for being so supportive!  Please share with us what God is doing in your life.


Soeuth & Syna Lao

Thursday, December 26, 2024

December Update 2024

Dear Faithful and Supporting Friends, 

Warm Christmas greetings from Cambodia! We trust you are experiencing the true meaning of the Christmas season this year.

Chhen’s Faith Journey…

Recently, my husband, Soeuth, and some church leaders braved the dusty road on their motorbikes to visit some new believers living in a remote village on the outskirts of Anlong Veng. As they kept driving about 5 kilometers away, they noticed that the fields on both sides of the roads were filled with red landmine signs! As they kept moving toward the destination, fields of landmines surrounded the village they were visiting! Fear and doubt caused them to wonder momentarily if it was worth it or wise for them to make such a risky trip. Promoted by the Holy Spirit and the desire to share the Good News of Jesus with lost people, they kept moving forward…

Fields and landmines

Upon arrival, Chhen, a 40-year-old father of three and a new believer, radiantly welcomed the visitors into his humble wooden home built on stilts. As the visitors were escorted to sit on a broken wooden bench underneath the house, they began to chat lively. Chhen was overjoyed and shouted repeatedly, “You came all this way to visit me! I am so blessed to have you in my house!” As the conversation deepened, Chhen was encouraged to share his faith journey…

In the spring of 2016, upon release from prison in Thailand, Chhen, along with hundreds of other former prisoners and illegal migrant workers, were brought back into Cambodia through the Poipet International Border by truckloads. “The officials just dumped us off at the border and let us find our way back home.” Having no money to buy food and no other way to contact his family in Anlong Veng, Chhen was desperate and hopeless. Chhen thought that if he could have money to buy food, he would be willing to walk over 200 kilometers away toward his hometown in Anlog Veng. But God had an even better purpose and plan for Chhen. He guided Chhen to a group of Alliance believers (*) who happened to be there to help the immigrants settle back into the country. “These Jesus people were so different from any other group I've ever met. They were unusually kind to me. The Jesus People gave me food and clothes and bought me bus tickets so I could come home to Anlong Veng.” As he reminisced his story, in tears of gratitude, Chhen went on to share, “They told me that it was because of the love of Jesus that compelled them to share what they had with me.” Shortly after that encounter, upon arriving safely home in Anlong Veng, Chhen announced to his family, “I must find the Jesus People.” 

Eight years went by, and Chhen continued to struggle to find work. He often wandered around from one town to another, looking for any job where he could earn money to feed his family. As he went about from place to place, he always asked if anyone knew about the Jesus People. Recently, Chhen met old acquaintances who happened to be members of the Firm Foundation Alliance Church in Toul Prich. Through their connections, Chhen was hired as a construction worker building a fence at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center. While working and fellowshipping with other church families, Chhen prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord in early November. Having received a Bible shortly after his conversion, Chhen began reading it nonstop. He even brought the Bible to work so he could read it during his lunch break! When asked about his favorite passages and why, Chhen quickly mentioned Matthew 25:35-40 because “that passage described me! I was hungry and desperate to find my way home, and the kind Jesus people from the Poipet border gave me food and sent me home. As long as I live, I will never forget their kindness.”

Chhen, in pink shirt, along with construction working buddies, attended a church service.

{* explained: In the spring of 2016, I, Syna, along with members of the Living Water Alliance church from Poipet, and in partnership with other like-minded- NGOs, in response to the needs, set up tents along the Poipet border and prepared care packages for handouts to hundreds of illegal immigrants who were brought back into Cambodia from Thailand. Their situations were dire and desperate. For those with immediate medical needs, we treated them on the spot or sent them to local clinics or referral government hospitals by ambulances. While some team members helped with legal paperwork, others contacted families and arranged for public transportation to help these immigrants safely return home. The whole situation was overwhelming and chaotic for everyone. They were desperate people in a time of great need. We, the volunteers, showed up to give help in whatever ways God inspired us to do at that moment and had no idea of what the outcome would be. But God is faithful. Nothing done in Jesus’s Name was in vain. The result of Chhen’s life story is an inspiration and a fresh reminder of Colossian 3:17, that ‘whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus’…}

Since his conversion, Chhen has been sharing his faith with his family and neighbors. At work, he is also sharing the reason for hope that can be found only in Jesus with other workers. As a result, other workers began to show interest in Christianity one by one and asked for their own Bible! This Christmas season, Chhen and some men from the construction working crews prepared a special song to be sung at the Christmas celebrations at Srae Nouy on Dec 29th and Firm Foundation Church on Dec. 31st. This is the first Christmas celebration for most of these working men. 

Construction workers attending church during Christmas season

Looking back on the dusty road trip, surrounded by “Danger” signs in fields of landmines, Soeuth was glad he did not follow his humanly fearful instinct but instead went on to visit Chhen’s home. It was a risky, dangerous road trip, but it was worth taking. 

Dates & Events needing your prayers…

  1. At the time of this writing, we have already participated in six Christmas celebrations in various northwest regions. We still have more events to participate in before the end of the year. Pray for safe traveling and receptive hearts. 
  2. Local villages are busy working at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center
  3. Inspired by personal testimonies, such as Chhen's, other construction workers are interested in Christianity. They asked each other questions about life and faith. 
  4. Pray for good health and continued strength and stamina as we are still in the middle of a busy Christmas season.

Please share with us what God is doing in your life. We appreciate your ongoing prayers and financial support for the Great Commission Fund, which enables us to continue serving in northern Cambodia and sharing the message of Hope in Jesus with lost people.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Soeuth & Syna

Monday, December 2, 2024

November Update 2024

Dear Faithful Supporting Friends and Family

Happy Thanksgiving! We have been extremely busy with ministry and family matters for the past few months. By the grace of God, things are beginning to “slow” down a bit. In case you were wondering, below is what has occurred since our last update… 

A Timely Visit...

Syna visiting her aging mother

From September 11 to 26, I (Syna) took two weeks off to visit my aging mother along with other family members in Washington State. My mother was battling a health crisis. Upon arrival, I was shocked to discover that other family issues needed immediate intervention. Only God knows. His timing for my visit was crucially necessary and meaningful. As of November 1, my mother and older sister have a reliable home health aide to assist with their daily basic needs. Praise God for his timely provisions.

Having a few extra days, I found discounted tickets and flew out to visit our youngest son, Jonathan, who lives with relatives in Palm Coast, Florida. Since his move from central New York to Florida in May of 2024, we assumed that Jonathan was settling well in his new location, living with relatives, and working at his new job. However, upon my arrival I was once again shocked to learn that Jonathan had struggled to adjust to his new environment. Desperate, I cried out to God for help and asked a few friends for prayers. And God sent help in various ways. I connected Jonathan to a few godly families from the area who understand third-culture kids (TCK). To this day, Jonathan regularly meets with these families for fellowship along with social and emotional support. Looking back, it was God who sent me out on a mission to help my family in Washington and then help our son in Florida. It was an emotionally stressful visit, but I was glad I went…

Enjoyed a meal with Jonathan

Meaningful, Impactful Presence

As soon as I returned, we hit the ground running. In addition to the long and detailed process of preparing for the library dedication and the KEC youth camp, we hosted three visiting teams from our partner churches in the US, one after another. Each team arrived between and during scheduled events. Each team brought their unique gifts and talents to work alongside us, making our presence meaningful and impactful within the local community. With the support of our visiting teams and the hospitality of the local school principals and village leaders, we had opportunities to conduct workshop seminars in three public schools! A team specializing in trauma care did sessions with students, helping them identify and deal with trauma-related issues. While a second team taught basic hygiene, the third team taught the “Danger of the Internet.” 

A visiting team teaching trauma care to students

In addition to teaching workshops at the public schools, each team had unique opportunities to interact with students and teachers in various capacities. Although meeting guests for the first time, students were noticeably comfortable working alongside the visitors when painting their classrooms, cleaning the inside buildings, cutting grass around the ground at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center, getting ready for the library dedication and for the youth camp, fellowshipping/gaming, and playing soccer at our newly build soccer field. We had opportunities to share the Good News briefly, even in public school settings! As a result, at the end of their visit, the teachers, students, and event village leaders invited the teams to “Please, come back again soon!” 

Teaching basic hygiene to public school students

Teaching "Danger of the Internet" at school

The Dedication of The Firm Foundation Library

Soeuth cutting ribbon at the library dedication

On the appointed day, early morning of November 8th, 300+ people showed up for the dedication of the Firm Foundation Library, including 150 students dressed in uniform from 4th-9th grade, their teachers, two village leaders, 80+ church leaders from around the country, and local official dignitaries. When it was time for the service, the Trapang Krasang village church kids beautifully performed a traditional “Blessing Dance” followed by five dignitary speakers. One of the key speakers was Rev. David Manfred, the Cambodian Field Director, who delivered a powerful 10-minute message about how Christians (also known by the locals as the “Jesus People”) responded to the “Loving God & Loving Their Neighbors" message and as a result, this library was birthed. One of the dignitary speakers, who was not a believer, rightly commented about the name chosen for the library. He said, “Since wisdom and knowledge can be obtained through reading, how fitting it is to have a library filled with books with a ‘Firm Foundation’ name attached.” 

Students with dignitaries at the library dedication

As I sat and listened to all the speakers, I could not help but reflect on a personal experience on April 17, 1975, when Anlong Veng was the headquarters for the Killing Field regime. In this three-and-a-half era, over two million Khmer people were killed just because they were educated. Today, by the grace of God, this once blood-soaked land is now filled with life where knowledge and wisdom are also added… At the end of the dedication service, followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony, everyone enjoyed a grand tour of the beautiful library currently opened to the public. A three-course meal was immediately served to all the adults and dignitary guests, while each student was sent home with a packed lunch box and care package of school supplies.

Local dignitaries toured the newly dedicated library

300- plus people attended the library dedication

The KEC Youth Camp…

Nov. 14-16: With growing anticiaption, the KEC annual youth camp dates were approaching fast. At the appointed time, church people, young and old, began to arrive at the campsite in one vehicle, one motor, and one bus after another. Finally, on Nov. 14 at 4:30pm, 630 people came and registered for the youth camp. Those who arrived early had an advantage in setting up their sleeping tents or camping gear, and they graciously offered helping hands to those who came later. About 150 tents were set up to accommodate enough sleeping spaces for all the campers. After the first dinner, which began at 5:30 pm, the evening service started at 7 pm. The Srae Nouy youth had the honor of opening the camping event with a traditional “Blessing Dance.” The camp consisted of five main events, five keynote speakers, and four seminar speakers. Each keynote speaker was to give a specific message that answered the camp theme: WHO AM I?

630- plus people attended the KEC youth camp in Anlong Veng

In addition to the five main events and four workshop seminars, campers had opportunities to participate in relay games, soccer, and volleyball competitions, where awards and trophies were given to first, second, and third places. The Anlong Veng girls received first place in the girls soccer competition, and the Srae Nouy girls came in second place. Due to intense heat waves, some youth suffered various minor injuries, including a few heat strokes. 

Soccer teams prayed before a competition

There were a few highlights from this camping experience: We had many more volunteers than in any previous events. About 50-plus people, primarily the campers' parents, approached us and said, “Just tell me what to do.” With all the extra volunteers, the youth committees set up stalls to sell food, ice coffee, soft drinks, and snacks to all the campers, including the camp’s t-shirts. Overall, we raised almost $2,000 to help cover the cost. The dates which the camp took place coincided with a national holiday when many people would instead visit Siem Reap or Phnom Penh for a Water Festival holiday. November was a typically busy rice harvesting season, where every helping hand was needed at home. We didn’t anticipate many people would attend, but 630 of them came! After each main event, there were opportunities for altar calls. About 20% of the campers stood up to recommit their faith and allegiance to God.

Campers participated in workshop seminars

AV girls getting ready for a soccer match

Other Dates & Events needing your prayers…

  1. Please for the many Christmas celebration events scheduled throughout the entire month of December. So far, Soeuth already accepted four Christmas speaking invitations. 
  2. The Srae Nouy church will combine its Christmas celebration and a church dedication ceremony on December 29. The Firm Foundation Alliance church in Anlong Veng will have its celebration on Dec. 31.
  3. Each celebration allows church families to invite their friends and relatives to church. Some of them will be hearing the Good News for the first time. Pray for receptive and responsive hearts.
  4. With all our busy time hosting teams, running camps, and working in other ministries, Soeuth and I picked up the common cold, which seemed to linger longer than expected. Pray for complete healing before we embark on another season of a busy Christmas season.

Please share with us what God is in your midst. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer support and partnering with the Cambodian ministries. We are very grateful to God for you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.


Soeuth & Syna

Visiting the floating village

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September Update 2024

 Dear Faithful Supporting Friend and Family,

Warm greetings from Anlong Veng. We trust that you are doing well.

“That’s the way my God works!”

Recently, while removing wooden planks from an old house, Savy, age 55, a member of the Firm Foundation Alliance Church, was miraculously spared from a dangerous accident. Just hours before this specific incident took place, Savy had been sharing his faith with one of the four workers of the same project. Savy shared about numerous ways that God came to his aide. God provided food and medical needs for his family, protected him from a near drowning accident, and healed his family members again and again. While Savy was passionately sharing his faith to one man working on the ground floor, three other men working on the second floor were listening intensely to their conversation. Suddenly, without warning, a large plank of wood, 12x 2 feet (4x0.8 meters) fell from the second floor directly on to where Savy was working. The three men above shouted in fear and quickly rushed down to the site, only to find Savy standing strong without any cut or even a small bruise. When they examined closely, a huge rusted nail (sized 3.2 “or 8 cm long) was still attached to that wooden plank, and that nail landed on Savy upper right back. The nail ripped off Savy’s shirt but not a cut was found on Savy’s back! (Please refer to picture below). Shocked and bewildered, yet feeling amazed and grateful for God’s protection, Savy exclaimed, “You see! That’s the way my God works!” Seeing how Jesus protected Savy, Chee, the young man whom Savy was sharing his faith with earnestly inquired, “Please tell me more about your God. I want to know him too." At his request, Savy was more than glad to tell Chee about Preah yea-sue…

Savy was wearing this shirt when the wooden plank with nail fell on him. Only the shirt was damaged.

Zorn’s Confession…

The last weekend of August, we had a leadership gathering at a remote village where 36 key presenting leaders from Alliance house churches around northern Cambodia areas. Soeuth shared a message from Nehemiah chapter 1 and reminded the leaders about the call and the burdens that God put in each leader’s heart concerning lost people. After a message, there were opportunities for the leaders to share about what God was doing in their designated regions of ministry responsibilities. One after another, a few leaders stood up to share ministry highlights, frustrations as well as challenges they were facing. When it was Zorn’s turn, he stood up and wept bitterly, but did not say any word.  His gentle falling tears suddenly burst into uncontrollably sobs. Seeing his convulsive gasps, other leaders stood up to give him support. When he finally controlled his emotions, Zorn looked up and said, “Everyone. I have a confession to make." He went to explain that because of personal greed and pride, Zorn not only left the fellowship of Srae Nouy church, he became the rink leader for “sheep stealing” using worldly materials to lure other church families, mostly new believers to join him; and together they formed a “new church” service, next door to the Srae Nouy church building. This group had maliciously and constantly spread gossip and slander about the Srae Nouy’s leadership causing hurt, distrust, and division among the remaining members. These evil practices went on for a few years that they became “thorns in the flesh” for Pastor Dy and the Srae Nouy church families. Instead of retaliating, however, Pastor Dy and the church members presented their requests to God in daily evening prayer services and monthly fasting. As a result, God stepped in and began a new work in Zorn’s life. 

Zorn joining the prayer service at Srae Nouy church

At this particular meeting, in between sobs, Zorn went on to confess, “In my foolish anger, I wanted to hurt Pastor Dy who is also my uncle, but I ended up hurting myself and hurting those who followed me instead."  In the presence of other leaders, turning toward Pastor Dy, Zorn kneeled down and pleaded, “Uncle, I had wronged you. I sinned against God and against you. Please forgive my mistakes. I want to come back to your church!” After this, everyone in the room stood up, each one extended their hands toward Zorn in warm embrace and in prayers. 

Srae Nouy's night prayer service

Since this incident took place, Zorn has been fellowshipping with the Srae Nouy church and joyfully participated in every small group event. Other the families who had left the fellowship also returned to join the Srae Nouy church. As the result, the number of attendees doubled in size! The childrens ministry’s attendance was tripled in just few short weeks! 

Church attendees became doubled after a recent reconciliation among believers

Other dates and events needing your prayers…

  1. Recently, a few church families in Anlong Veng experienced divine protection in various way. After each of these incidents, there were immediate opportunities for the believers to share Christ with their unbelieving relatives and friends who also were eye witnesses to these incidents. As a result, four people prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord! God still uses miracles to draw lost people into the kingdom. 
    Field trip day for the Anlong Veng youth

  2. When it rains, it also pours. We are having too many big rains lately. The rain waters, although welcome, also destroyed roads and flooded and damaged crops. And there have been too many incidents where people had close encounters with poisonous snakes. Pray for protection for all.
  3. Some of our church men earn their daily living from working at construction sites. Works are being postponed during heavy rains. No work means no money to buy food for their families. Overall, this is a season where many villagers are struggling just to find daily food supplies for their hungry families. We were grateful for a like-minded local NGO who recently donated eggs for our church families. In addition to the eggs, using ministry funds, we bought rice to distribute to 43 needy families. There is so much we can do and we cannot help everyone. Pray for daily wisdom and discernment as we face needy families each week, not knowing who, when, how to help so that we do not create dependency or a begging church environment. We were always looking for creative and practical ways for needy families to “earn” a living with dignity. For example, we hired local villagers or students to plant trees, clean, and do ground keeping at the church. In return, they receive small fees in exchange for their daily services.
  4. The Firm Foundation Alliance church members including students and teachers from two nearby public schools, in addition to some members from the Srae Nouy church will have clean up days during the next couple weeks and months in preparation for two major events (see #5 and #6 below) to be held at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center. Pray for good fellowship and opportunity for witnessing especially with the unbelieving students and their teachers. 
  5. The Firm Foundation Library will be officially dedicated on November 8, 7:30-11:30 am. We're expecting at least 200 attendees, most of whom are not yet believers. Our Field Director will give an evangelism message on that day. 
    Firm Foundation Library

  6. The KEC annual youth camp, November 14-16, will be held in Anlong Veng this year. We are expecting 600 plus attendees.  A lot of work and preparation need to be done before these events take place: obtaining permissions from local authorities, invitations, food preparations, among many other things to be done beforehand... It will be done in an open space atmosphere. By then, it should be a dry season, but pray that we will have good weather including safety and protections and favors from local authorities... 
    Anlong Youth is getting excited about the coming youth camp

  7. Please continue praying for safety on long road trips that we make 3-4 times/ week. Most roads and highways in Cambodia shared with stray dogs, cows, mechanical cows, trailers & wagons, wandering small children, students walking or riding bicycles or motorbikes, chickens, ducks, snakes, and many other things while we drive at a limited speed. This week while driving to a village ministry, Soeuth hit a dog, 3 chickens, and a snake!
  8. Pray for Syna’s elderly mother, aged 93, who is battling with chronic renal issues. At this writing, Syna is on her way to visit the family in Tacoma, Washington. Syna's mother and her handicapped older sister are in need of a live-in home healthcare worker by Oct 1.
A young couple joined in the  Srae Nouy church's prayer service

Poipet's monthly leadership class

We are grateful for your partnership in the Cambodian ministry through your prayers and support. Your generous financial support toward the Alliance Great Commission Funds enables us to remain serving in northern Cambodia sharing the message of Hope in Jesus to Lost people in Cambodia and everywhere. 

Thank you!

Soeuth & Syna Lao

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August Update 2024

 Dear Faithful Supporting Friend and Family,

Warm greetings from Cambodia! We trust you are doing well. 

We apologize for a delayed update. It has been a long season of losses and grieving along with personal family challenges for us. We still have a long journey ahead of us. By the grace of God, we are trotting through this dark season, one day and/or one week at a time.“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you (us) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 1:6).

From A Scorching Drought to A Raging Flood…

In less than a two month-time, Cambodia changed from a scorching drought and dry season to a raging monsoon and flooding season! The heavy rains came down hard continuously almost everyday. In some communities, almost an entire village was completely underwater! Whatever crop was saved from the dry season, farmers (including many church families) were excited to welcome the first rains and began preparing their fields, then planting rice and other seeds. Then, the July down pouring rains had severely destroyed most of their precious crops. It saddened our hearts to see so much losses in such a short time. 

“See, How The Jesus People Care For Us!”

Recently, a young lady, “H” (age 14), who was the only believer in her family and member of the Firm Foundation Alliance church, had a motorbike accident resulting with a broken leg. In panic, she cried out, “Preah-yea-sue help me!” before passing out on the main road. When her family was notified, they attempted to take her to a Krue Khmer (a local witch doctor). But H awoke on time and shouted, “No! I am Kone Preah-yea-sue (a child of Jesus). Please, take me to the hospital.” When local church families aware of H’s accident, they rushed out to visit her home, each visitor gave small amount of money to help pay for a taxi ride to the Siem Reap’s Children Hospital. H had a surgery and is currently still in the hospital. Amazed by the love and concern and the generous support from the community of believers during their time of need, H’s family remarked, "See, how the Jesus people care for us!”

A Sunday service at Firm Foundation Alliance Church

“Jesus Was Never Too Busy To Answer My Prayers!”

During the “prayer & share” time at a recently Sunday church service, members from the Firm Foundation Alliance took turns sharing how God was at work in their lives. Excited and eager for her turn, sitting on a tiled floor and leaning against the wall for support, Noeu shouted, “I, also, have something to thank God for my life." She went on to share her amazement at the ways God deeply loved

Noeu shared about what God had done in her life

and cared for her life. Before accepting Jesus as her Lord, Noeu had spent all her financial resources to pay local witch doctors as well as for all her medical local clinics at various local clinic. Her many chronic diseases which include a heart disease and high blood pressure among many other illnesses. After she had a stroke in January that left her weak on the left side, Noeu met Jesus in a dream (please refer to Noeu’s extended stories found in March parts 1 & 2 update). At this particular church service prayer & share time, Noeu declared, “I had always been sick for a long time, and my family took me to see doctors almost every week. It was a heavy financial burden for my family, but since I believe in Jesus, I have not stepped one foot into the hospital building! Preah-yea sue not just healed, but he actually hears me when I prayed!” In her excitement, Noeu went on to share, “We all use our phones to call our loved ones in time of needs, but sometimes, the lines can be busy or the connections are not clear. But my prayers seemed to have a direct line straight to the throne of Jesus! And Jesus was never too busy to answer my prayers!” Through a kind believing neighbor, Noeu is being brought to church every week while she actively participating in a weekly Firm Foundation discipleship class that is being taught at her home. Noeu seemed bold and not ashamed to share her faith with her extended family. Since the day of her salvation, Noeu had already led four of her granddaughters to Jesus...

Dates & events needing your prayers…

  1. Some unbelieving parents had recently forbidden their teens to attend church. As a result, some of these young people were getting worse in their behaviors, cutting class, and hanging out with the wrong crowds. At the same time, however, some youth brought their Bibles to read at school because they were not allowed to read it at home. Please pray that their faith would be rooted in Christ as these young believers endure persecutions at home and among their peers.
  2. Resulting from the sudden floods, farmers who raise fish or livestock (chickens) for a living are experiencing a major loss of their goods. It seems that everywhere we turned, there were families that we know of who are affected severely by the floods. Pray for wisdom on how and who to help.
  3. With raging flood water in every village, there were a number of drowning incidents among church families. So far, since the rainy season began, there have been four different drowning incidents, small children ages 2-5, from among the KEC church families in the northwest region. With the rainy and flooding season comes also snakes and diseases related to mosquito bites. Pray for protection among the church families. 
  4. Pray for on-going health issues for Syna's extended family members from the States side. Pray also for peace in the midst of grieving and concerns for our extended unbelieving family members.
  5. At this week’s meeting, the National KEC youth committees will finalize the location for the annual national youth camp which is scheduled for Nov. 14-16. Depending on the location, there will be a lot of preparations to be done before the conference/camp takes place. Pray for unity among the youth committees.

The Poipet's monthly leadership class

Thank you so much for your on-going prayers and financial support toward the Alliance Great Commission Fund. Your generous support enables us to remain serving in this part of the world shining the Light of Jesus and sharing the Message of Hope in Jesus to the Khmer people. We are grateful for your partnership in the Cambodian ministries. Please share with us what God is doing in your life.


Soeuth & Syna

Friday, June 28, 2024

June Update 2024

 Dear Faithful Supporting Friend and Family,

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” Romans 12:15

“I Have Decided to Follow Preah Yea-Sue…”

As shared in our last blog, Soeuth’s mother passed away to her eternal home on May 12th. While the grief was still deep and raw, the extended Lao family went through another major crisis, this time with Soeuth’s younger sister, Moum, who died on May 31st of pancreatic cancer. She was 57 years old. Although Moum had prayed to receive Jesus in the late evening of April 9th (the same day when she first received the shocking medical report about her sickness), we had no idea about how sincere her new found faith would be until we heard the testimonies shared by her own children and granddaughter at Moum’s funeral, a few weeks later…  A brief version of her story as told by her family was that shortly after accepting Jesus as her Lord and Savior, Moum returned to Siem Reap. She began to settle down her house and family in order before going off to Thailand for further treatments. The night before she left for Bangkok, in a quiet family gathering, Moum told her three adult children and their spouses including her three granddaughters, “I have taken the faith of my brother (referring to Soeuth). I have decided to follow Preah Yea-Sue, just like my brother and his wife did. When I die, I will go straight to heaven. We can see each other again, but first, you must also believe in Jesus.”  That was her last testament and the last memory that the family had of her. Moum went straight from her hospital bed in Bangkok to her new mansion in heaven. At her request, the family did a Christian funeral which was well attended by many Christians from the northwest region. A few days after the funeral when we visited the grieving family, we had the honor of leading two members of Moum’s family to receive Jesus…

Christians showed support at a family funeral

“There is Power in That Name!”

On May 28th, we were invited by Pheap, a believing lady from Firm Foundation Alliance church, to visit one of her sick relatives, who was suddenly diagnosed with a terminal liver cancer. The patient was an elderly man, a prominent figure who was well known and respected by the community. Feeling devastated by the shocking discovery of his sickness, his anxious family, following their Buddhist traditions, spent most of their savings seeking helps from modern medicines as well as from traditional local witch doctors, but to no avail. The purpose of this visit was to give support and encouragement to the grieving family. Standing by their front door on the appointed day, we heard strange commotions and screaming noises from inside the house! 

As we entered the house, there were a dozen of people including a Buddhist priest and two Buddhist nuns already sitting by the patient bedside performing some strange religious rituals-- chanting and sprinkling some strange liquid on the patient. Feeling awkward, we reluctantly entered the house and sat quietly in the back while watching the strange practices being done onto this dying man. Suddenly, the man arose violently and screamed loudly “Help! Help! They are coming after me!” Everyone was bewildered. The room suddenly was filled with chaotic and confusion as the chanting got louder and the sprinkling of water kept going on. Not sure how to respond, we began praying silently for the man. From previous visits, Pheap had shared the Gospel to this man before, but he had never made any decision. At this visit, however, as the screams got louder, the volume of the chanting also increased. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Pheap shouted, “In the Name of Preah Yea-Sue, I command you, evil spirits, to come out of my uncle!” Suddenly, the man stopped screaming. Conscious of what was going on, panic and fear were visibly evidenced on his face. The man turned his face toward our direction and pleaded, “Please help me! I don’t want to go to hell. I believe in Preah Yea-Sue now. Please show me the way to Him." At his request, Pheap took the honor of leading her uncle to Jesus, in the hearing of all those religious people in the who were presence in the house. Afterward, there were soft whispers among the other visitors saying, “There is Power in that Name!” 

Sadly, a few days after that home visit, the man died peacefully in his sleep. When we visited the family during a religious Buddhist funeral a week later, his wife assured us, “I want you to know that my husband believed in your Preah Yea-sue until his last breath."

Pheap and Soeuth praying for a dying man

Other dates and events needing your prayers…

  1. May 21, we had a leadership workshop in Sen Chey village where 43 people participated. In addition to the workshop, there were opportunities for people to share what people had seen God at work in their lives. One man shared, “After 38 years of trying to quit smoking on my own terms, I was completely defeated. But when I fully surrendered my life to Preah Yea-Sue, He helped me. I have not smoked a single cigarette for the past three months!”  
    43 people participated in a recently leadership workshop

  2. The result of prolonged drought had significantly damaged crops and added financial stresses to the church families. There were few sprinkles of rains here and there but not enough water to restore the damaged crops. The church leaders are anticipating a severe food shortage this year. May God have mercy on the poor and need. Pray for wisdom as we seek ways to help meets some of their needs. 
    Damaged crops resulted from prolonged drought

  3. June 28-30, we will be traveling with three members of the National Youth Committees to Rattanakiri province for a regional youth conference. It’s a 9-hour driving each way. Pray for safety on road trips and for a good outcome of the conference.
  4. July 10: there will be a regrouping meeting among the key church leaders for the northern region.  Pray for our church leaders to have a passionate heart of Jesus to seek and to serve those who are lost and without hope.
  5. In the past few months, our family experienced a long season of losses and grieves. We were grateful for the love and support that the Body of Christ lovingly demonstrated to us in so many tangible ways. We grieved but with an assurance hope that we will see our loved ones again-- because of Jesus.

With a grateful heart,

Soeuth & Syna