Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September Update 2024

 Dear Faithful Supporting Friend and Family,

Warm greetings from Anlong Veng. We trust that you are doing well.

“That’s the way my God works!”

Recently, while removing wooden planks from an old house, Savy, age 55, a member of the Firm Foundation Alliance Church, was miraculously spared from a dangerous accident. Just hours before this specific incident took place, Savy had been sharing his faith with one of the four workers of the same project. Savy shared about numerous ways that God came to his aide. God provided food and medical needs for his family, protected him from a near drowning accident, and healed his family members again and again. While Savy was passionately sharing his faith to one man working on the ground floor, three other men working on the second floor were listening intensely to their conversation. Suddenly, without warning, a large plank of wood, 12x 2 feet (4x0.8 meters) fell from the second floor directly on to where Savy was working. The three men above shouted in fear and quickly rushed down to the site, only to find Savy standing strong without any cut or even a small bruise. When they examined closely, a huge rusted nail (sized 3.2 “or 8 cm long) was still attached to that wooden plank, and that nail landed on Savy upper right back. The nail ripped off Savy’s shirt but not a cut was found on Savy’s back! (Please refer to picture below). Shocked and bewildered, yet feeling amazed and grateful for God’s protection, Savy exclaimed, “You see! That’s the way my God works!” Seeing how Jesus protected Savy, Chee, the young man whom Savy was sharing his faith with earnestly inquired, “Please tell me more about your God. I want to know him too." At his request, Savy was more than glad to tell Chee about Preah yea-sue…

Savy was wearing this shirt when the wooden plank with nail fell on him. Only the shirt was damaged.

Zorn’s Confession…

The last weekend of August, we had a leadership gathering at a remote village where 36 key presenting leaders from Alliance house churches around northern Cambodia areas. Soeuth shared a message from Nehemiah chapter 1 and reminded the leaders about the call and the burdens that God put in each leader’s heart concerning lost people. After a message, there were opportunities for the leaders to share about what God was doing in their designated regions of ministry responsibilities. One after another, a few leaders stood up to share ministry highlights, frustrations as well as challenges they were facing. When it was Zorn’s turn, he stood up and wept bitterly, but did not say any word.  His gentle falling tears suddenly burst into uncontrollably sobs. Seeing his convulsive gasps, other leaders stood up to give him support. When he finally controlled his emotions, Zorn looked up and said, “Everyone. I have a confession to make." He went to explain that because of personal greed and pride, Zorn not only left the fellowship of Srae Nouy church, he became the rink leader for “sheep stealing” using worldly materials to lure other church families, mostly new believers to join him; and together they formed a “new church” service, next door to the Srae Nouy church building. This group had maliciously and constantly spread gossip and slander about the Srae Nouy’s leadership causing hurt, distrust, and division among the remaining members. These evil practices went on for a few years that they became “thorns in the flesh” for Pastor Dy and the Srae Nouy church families. Instead of retaliating, however, Pastor Dy and the church members presented their requests to God in daily evening prayer services and monthly fasting. As a result, God stepped in and began a new work in Zorn’s life. 

Zorn joining the prayer service at Srae Nouy church

At this particular meeting, in between sobs, Zorn went on to confess, “In my foolish anger, I wanted to hurt Pastor Dy who is also my uncle, but I ended up hurting myself and hurting those who followed me instead."  In the presence of other leaders, turning toward Pastor Dy, Zorn kneeled down and pleaded, “Uncle, I had wronged you. I sinned against God and against you. Please forgive my mistakes. I want to come back to your church!” After this, everyone in the room stood up, each one extended their hands toward Zorn in warm embrace and in prayers. 

Srae Nouy's night prayer service

Since this incident took place, Zorn has been fellowshipping with the Srae Nouy church and joyfully participated in every small group event. Other the families who had left the fellowship also returned to join the Srae Nouy church. As the result, the number of attendees doubled in size! The childrens ministry’s attendance was tripled in just few short weeks! 

Church attendees became doubled after a recent reconciliation among believers

Other dates and events needing your prayers…

  1. Recently, a few church families in Anlong Veng experienced divine protection in various way. After each of these incidents, there were immediate opportunities for the believers to share Christ with their unbelieving relatives and friends who also were eye witnesses to these incidents. As a result, four people prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord! God still uses miracles to draw lost people into the kingdom. 
    Field trip day for the Anlong Veng youth

  2. When it rains, it also pours. We are having too many big rains lately. The rain waters, although welcome, also destroyed roads and flooded and damaged crops. And there have been too many incidents where people had close encounters with poisonous snakes. Pray for protection for all.
  3. Some of our church men earn their daily living from working at construction sites. Works are being postponed during heavy rains. No work means no money to buy food for their families. Overall, this is a season where many villagers are struggling just to find daily food supplies for their hungry families. We were grateful for a like-minded local NGO who recently donated eggs for our church families. In addition to the eggs, using ministry funds, we bought rice to distribute to 43 needy families. There is so much we can do and we cannot help everyone. Pray for daily wisdom and discernment as we face needy families each week, not knowing who, when, how to help so that we do not create dependency or a begging church environment. We were always looking for creative and practical ways for needy families to “earn” a living with dignity. For example, we hired local villagers or students to plant trees, clean, and do ground keeping at the church. In return, they receive small fees in exchange for their daily services.
  4. The Firm Foundation Alliance church members including students and teachers from two nearby public schools, in addition to some members from the Srae Nouy church will have clean up days during the next couple weeks and months in preparation for two major events (see #5 and #6 below) to be held at the Anlong Veng Ministry Center. Pray for good fellowship and opportunity for witnessing especially with the unbelieving students and their teachers. 
  5. The Firm Foundation Library will be officially dedicated on November 8, 7:30-11:30 am. We're expecting at least 200 attendees, most of whom are not yet believers. Our Field Director will give an evangelism message on that day. 
    Firm Foundation Library

  6. The KEC annual youth camp, November 14-16, will be held in Anlong Veng this year. We are expecting 600 plus attendees.  A lot of work and preparation need to be done before these events take place: obtaining permissions from local authorities, invitations, food preparations, among many other things to be done beforehand... It will be done in an open space atmosphere. By then, it should be a dry season, but pray that we will have good weather including safety and protections and favors from local authorities... 
    Anlong Youth is getting excited about the coming youth camp

  7. Please continue praying for safety on long road trips that we make 3-4 times/ week. Most roads and highways in Cambodia shared with stray dogs, cows, mechanical cows, trailers & wagons, wandering small children, students walking or riding bicycles or motorbikes, chickens, ducks, snakes, and many other things while we drive at a limited speed. This week while driving to a village ministry, Soeuth hit a dog, 3 chickens, and a snake!
  8. Pray for Syna’s elderly mother, aged 93, who is battling with chronic renal issues. At this writing, Syna is on her way to visit the family in Tacoma, Washington. Syna's mother and her handicapped older sister are in need of a live-in home healthcare worker by Oct 1.
A young couple joined in the  Srae Nouy church's prayer service

Poipet's monthly leadership class

We are grateful for your partnership in the Cambodian ministry through your prayers and support. Your generous financial support toward the Alliance Great Commission Funds enables us to remain serving in northern Cambodia sharing the message of Hope in Jesus to Lost people in Cambodia and everywhere. 

Thank you!

Soeuth & Syna Lao

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