Thursday, August 8, 2024

August Update 2024

 Dear Faithful Supporting Friend and Family,

Warm greetings from Cambodia! We trust you are doing well. 

We apologize for a delayed update. It has been a long season of losses and grieving along with personal family challenges for us. We still have a long journey ahead of us. By the grace of God, we are trotting through this dark season, one day and/or one week at a time.“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you (us) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 1:6).

From A Scorching Drought to A Raging Flood…

In less than a two month-time, Cambodia changed from a scorching drought and dry season to a raging monsoon and flooding season! The heavy rains came down hard continuously almost everyday. In some communities, almost an entire village was completely underwater! Whatever crop was saved from the dry season, farmers (including many church families) were excited to welcome the first rains and began preparing their fields, then planting rice and other seeds. Then, the July down pouring rains had severely destroyed most of their precious crops. It saddened our hearts to see so much losses in such a short time. 

“See, How The Jesus People Care For Us!”

Recently, a young lady, “H” (age 14), who was the only believer in her family and member of the Firm Foundation Alliance church, had a motorbike accident resulting with a broken leg. In panic, she cried out, “Preah-yea-sue help me!” before passing out on the main road. When her family was notified, they attempted to take her to a Krue Khmer (a local witch doctor). But H awoke on time and shouted, “No! I am Kone Preah-yea-sue (a child of Jesus). Please, take me to the hospital.” When local church families aware of H’s accident, they rushed out to visit her home, each visitor gave small amount of money to help pay for a taxi ride to the Siem Reap’s Children Hospital. H had a surgery and is currently still in the hospital. Amazed by the love and concern and the generous support from the community of believers during their time of need, H’s family remarked, "See, how the Jesus people care for us!”

A Sunday service at Firm Foundation Alliance Church

“Jesus Was Never Too Busy To Answer My Prayers!”

During the “prayer & share” time at a recently Sunday church service, members from the Firm Foundation Alliance took turns sharing how God was at work in their lives. Excited and eager for her turn, sitting on a tiled floor and leaning against the wall for support, Noeu shouted, “I, also, have something to thank God for my life." She went on to share her amazement at the ways God deeply loved

Noeu shared about what God had done in her life

and cared for her life. Before accepting Jesus as her Lord, Noeu had spent all her financial resources to pay local witch doctors as well as for all her medical local clinics at various local clinic. Her many chronic diseases which include a heart disease and high blood pressure among many other illnesses. After she had a stroke in January that left her weak on the left side, Noeu met Jesus in a dream (please refer to Noeu’s extended stories found in March parts 1 & 2 update). At this particular church service prayer & share time, Noeu declared, “I had always been sick for a long time, and my family took me to see doctors almost every week. It was a heavy financial burden for my family, but since I believe in Jesus, I have not stepped one foot into the hospital building! Preah-yea sue not just healed, but he actually hears me when I prayed!” In her excitement, Noeu went on to share, “We all use our phones to call our loved ones in time of needs, but sometimes, the lines can be busy or the connections are not clear. But my prayers seemed to have a direct line straight to the throne of Jesus! And Jesus was never too busy to answer my prayers!” Through a kind believing neighbor, Noeu is being brought to church every week while she actively participating in a weekly Firm Foundation discipleship class that is being taught at her home. Noeu seemed bold and not ashamed to share her faith with her extended family. Since the day of her salvation, Noeu had already led four of her granddaughters to Jesus...

Dates & events needing your prayers…

  1. Some unbelieving parents had recently forbidden their teens to attend church. As a result, some of these young people were getting worse in their behaviors, cutting class, and hanging out with the wrong crowds. At the same time, however, some youth brought their Bibles to read at school because they were not allowed to read it at home. Please pray that their faith would be rooted in Christ as these young believers endure persecutions at home and among their peers.
  2. Resulting from the sudden floods, farmers who raise fish or livestock (chickens) for a living are experiencing a major loss of their goods. It seems that everywhere we turned, there were families that we know of who are affected severely by the floods. Pray for wisdom on how and who to help.
  3. With raging flood water in every village, there were a number of drowning incidents among church families. So far, since the rainy season began, there have been four different drowning incidents, small children ages 2-5, from among the KEC church families in the northwest region. With the rainy and flooding season comes also snakes and diseases related to mosquito bites. Pray for protection among the church families. 
  4. Pray for on-going health issues for Syna's extended family members from the States side. Pray also for peace in the midst of grieving and concerns for our extended unbelieving family members.
  5. At this week’s meeting, the National KEC youth committees will finalize the location for the annual national youth camp which is scheduled for Nov. 14-16. Depending on the location, there will be a lot of preparations to be done before the conference/camp takes place. Pray for unity among the youth committees.

The Poipet's monthly leadership class

Thank you so much for your on-going prayers and financial support toward the Alliance Great Commission Fund. Your generous support enables us to remain serving in this part of the world shining the Light of Jesus and sharing the Message of Hope in Jesus to the Khmer people. We are grateful for your partnership in the Cambodian ministries. Please share with us what God is doing in your life.


Soeuth & Syna